Personal Timeline

  • Birth

    I was born at approximately 9:30am on this day. I became the second child to my parents, Kelly Carnago and Doug Duty.
  • Trip to Europe

    Trip to Europe
    I had traveled internationally many times before, however, this trip was unique because it was the first time my brother and I had traveled internationally by ourselves. We went to London and Paris with my mother, and then were dropped off in Strasbourg, France for two weeks to stay with family friends. This was the turning point in my maturity and independence, and also brought my brother and me closer.
  • ACL Tear #1

    ACL Tear #1
    I tore my ACL for the first time during soccer. On July 26, 2018, I had ACL and meniscus reconstruction surgery.
  • ACL Tear #2

    ACL Tear #2
    I tore my ACL for the second time on the opposite leg during the final soccer game of my club season. This time I also tore my LCL, meniscus, fractured my femur, and damaged other cartilage. After many delays and COVID-19 complications, I received my surgery on April 22, 2021.
  • College Commitment

    College Commitment
    I committed to the University of Chicago for soccer. After months of deliberation and visits, I was excited to finally decide on Chicago.
  • High School Graduation

    High School Graduation
    I will graduate from BVSW. I hope to have accomplished a lot in high school. This will mark the beginning of my transition to adulthood and I couldn't be more excited.
  • Start at UChicago

    Start at UChicago
    In July I will report to Chicago for preseason training for soccer. I can't wait to get started in college! I hope to major in either Public Health Studies or Economics on the pre-med track, however, this is subject to change.
  • Get my First Dog or Cat

    Get my First Dog or Cat
    While I am unsure if/when I will start a family, I know for sure that I will want a dog or a cat for my apartment in either my junior or senior year of college. At this point, I will have moved out of dorms and may share an apartment with some of my teammates, and given my already active lifestyle, taking care of a pet would be easy and cathartic.
  • UChicago Graduation

    UChicago Graduation
    I will graduate from the University of Chicago. Depending on whether I decide to continue on the pre-med track, this will be followed by attending medical school.
  • Go to Medical School

    Go to Medical School
    I'm not definitively on this path, but it's currently the one I'm leaning towards. I'm quite interested in the medical field, but if it ends up being that I find another area of study that I excel in/enjoy, I may be more likely to choose that simply due to the amount of education required to become a medical professional.
  • Question 1

    My timeline tells me a lot about why I'm leaning towards the career path I'm looking at (medicine). Seeing my two serious injuries followed by my plans to go to medical school shows a potential association of how I was shaped by those instances. It also shows my ambition and drive as I plan to attend a very high-achieving university. My timeline does not go far beyond my education, which reveals how open-ended I view my life path and the freedom I plan to allow my life path to utilize.
  • Question 2

    I would be very different if I'd never torn my ACL (twice). When I tore my ACL the first time, my entire life was soccer and school and I was content with avoiding social interaction. When soccer was taken away, I was forced to immerse myself in social activities outside of soccer and gained many more friends and social skills as a result. I also learned important lessons of perseverance and having a positive attitude, as well as gained insight into a potential career path. I'm very grateful.
  • Question 3

    My future is quite flexible. I have many interests and I believe that having a guide, not a schedule, is the best way to lead into my future. While I have certain expectations for my performance and a rather solid plan for the next four years, how I go about meeting those expectations is open-ended. I know my personality well enough to recognize that if I do set a regimented path for myself if anything were to go awry it would likely derail me. As a result, keeping things more open is ideal.