Personal Timeline

By mp1997
  • Birth

    I was born on October 21st 1997
  • My Baptism

    My Baptism
    I started my life in the Christian community
  • My First Word

    My First Word
    It was "ball"
  • My First Haircut

    My First Haircut
    My parents tell me I hated it
  • My Brother's Birth

    My Brother's Birth
  • My First Movie

    My First Movie
    It was a horrible "Thomas the Tank Engine" movie
  • Car Accident

    Car Accident
    It was kinda life changing
  • My First Communion

    My First Communion
    I once took communion before my first communion
  • My First Trip to Italy

    My First Trip to Italy
    I wish I visited the "Leaning Tower of Pisa"
  • When my Grandma came to live with us

    When my Grandma came to live with us
    She was diagnosed with alzheimers
  • My First Day Volunteering at a Soup Kitchen

    My First Day Volunteering at a Soup Kitchen
    I would go with my dad on Saturdays
  • I transfer elementary schools

    I transfer elementary schools
    At first I was unhappy because I was leaving friends but I ended up liking it later on
  • When I learned how to ride a bike

    When I learned how to ride a bike
    I fully learned in a cemetery
  • When my grandma was put in a nursing home

    When my grandma was put in a nursing home
    It was pretty life chnaging after about 5 years of her living with us
  • My Confirmation

    My Confirmation
    I was so happy to be done with CCD
  • My Elementary School Graduation

    My Elementary School Graduation
    It was a sad time but it was also a happy time
  • My Mom's Diagnosis with Breast Cancer

    My Mom's Diagnosis with Breast Cancer
    It was pretty astonishing but she made it feel like it was no problem
  • My Mom's Historectomy

    My Mom's Historectomy
    She didn't have to worry about breast cancer after that
  • My trip to Texas

    My trip to Texas
    We visited my uncle who had stage 3 cancer
  • My Trip to Journalism Camp at EIU

    My Trip to Journalism Camp at EIU
    It was afun experience and I even got published in a paper
  • I get together with my Girlfriend

    I get together with my Girlfriend
    This was a very happy day for me, and I will never forget it.