Personal Timeline

  • Day I was Born

    Therion was born in Markham, Ontario Canada.
  • Entering JK

    Therion entering Junior Kindergarten becomes his first experience with education
  • Entering Grade 1

    Therion experiences a dramatic shift in education style, from learning about how to act, to learning about different skills and subjects.
  • Developed an interest in LEGO

    Building LEGO has led me to develop other interest, such as building PCs, IKEA Furniture and Plastic Models
  • My Experience with Bad People

    The first time Therion has experienced being around bad people and influences his perceptions on people, becoming more cautious when around others
  • Discovering Friendship

    Therion has developed friends which shows him that good people exist in the world and that you shouldn't be so protecting
  • Graduating Grade School

    Therion graduates Grade 8, as he begins to transition from elementary to high school
  • Becoming a High School

    Therion's status has changed as he transitions to high school, experiencing a new lifestyle and curriculum as a high school student.
  • Here Comes COVID-19

    Therion and many others were affected by COVID-19, as they had to convert to online school, cancel vacations and isolate themselves in their homes.
  • Therion gets his First Job

    Therion gets his first job, which help him understands the pressure and hard work people put towards their jobs in order to make a living.
  • Therion Graduates High School

    Therion graduates from High school, as he leaves his high school behind and prepares to enter adult life.
  • Therion is Accepted Into University

    Therion has gotten the acceptance letter in hsi possession, as he realizes that he’ll be in another new environment, with a way more advanced form of education.