Date of Birth
Today was the day that my wonderful self was brought into the world. It was the best day of my and my families life, towering over all else things ever. -
My First Words
This was day the amazing super genius known as myself said my first words. It was my first time saying something and surly not my last. -
My First Steps
This was the time that my soon to be superbly athletic feet were used for movement -
First Day at School
This was the scariest day of my life, it was the day that I would leave my stress free life and have a very stressful time for the rest of my life. -
Learning to Ride a Bike
This was the day that I up graded my transportation from walking to something much more complex and fast. It was the day that my balance was at an all time high -
First Day at ATP
This was the day which I left my comfort zone and expanded my learning to a much more advanced and better learning way -
Lost Cujo
Cujo was a loyal little dog, he had a very short temper but was still the best dog and this was the day he lost his fight to cancer -
Got Gizmo
Gizmo is the best dog in the world. He is a young little puupy who loves to play and is just the cutest thing made by god and this is the day he came into my life. -
Going on my First Cruise
This was the day I had the most fun in the world. It was the day that all a kids dreams were handed to me on a silver plater for my own enjoyment. -
Going Zip lining
This was the time that I went zip lining over ten stories on the cruise. It was the dumbest but most fun thing in the world.