Personal Timeline

  • I was born

    I was born
    Marc h 18th, I was born, three days after my grandfather's birthday.
  • School

    Started pre-school at Neely elementary, went there for all my elementary years
  • First phone

    First phone
    Got my first phone when I was 8 since I liked oging out and playing wiht the neighborhood kids, my parents wanted to be able to contact me.
  • First concert

    First concert
    I went to my first concert ever in 6th grade, which was a linkin Park show.
  • Middle School

    Middle School
    I started middle school at GCA, no one should ever have to go there. That school is a waste of money. I went there for my 7th, 8th, 9th, and half of my 10th grade years.
  • BVB

    Heard BVB for the first time in 8th grade. Though I really dislike them now for what they've become, I have to give them recognition for opening the door to alternative music and making me what I am now.
  • Uncle Kelly

    Uncle Kelly
    My uncle Kelly, who was the only relative I could get along with since he really wasn't mormon passed away.
  • Warped Tour

    Warped Tour
    Went to Warped Tour for the first time, went back to it in 2015 and am going to the 2016 tour.
  • Mesquite

    I transfered over midway through my osphomore year from GCA, mostly becasue GCA is basically the worst school to exist.
  • Summer Slaughter Tour 2015

    Summer Slaughter Tour 2015
    Got to go to my first ever death metal concert, and I plan on going to the tour every year. Saw my favorite badn, Cattle Decapitation, and got beat up a lot. Also got to meet Travis Ryan, singer of Cattle Decap and my idol.
  • First job

    I began working at a place called Shirts 'n' Things, which is like Hot Topic but, ya know, good.