My Birth
First day of kindergarten
It was my first day in kindergarten at Berkshire Elementary School. I had done preschool beforehand, so I was very happy to go to school. My kindergarten class was an afternoon class from 11 am to 3 pm, and I had a very nice teacher, Ms. Sherwyn. This event made me more open to others, because I was scared to introduce myself, but my teacher made me talk in front of the whole class, and I began to fear public speaking slightly less. Today, I can do what I hesitated to do back then. -
5th grade Spring Picture Disaster
I had my very first allergic reaction. The next day when I went to school, my eyes were swollen and overall I looked terrible. The best part was that it was picture day! I found my true friends; those who didn't overly question me were loyal and supportive, and those who repeated their questions or stared long and hard, were fake. The day helped me distinguish the people who cared and who were just asking because of their curiosity. -
First day of Junior High School
Last day of school in Junior High School
First day of Summer School Health in High School
First day of Tennis
Last Day of Freshman Year in High School
Done with finals, I was ready to go home. I was relieved that school ended and was happy to know I got summer school P.E. with all my friends! This day also made me realize how tired I had become mentally and physically. I accepted the fact that it only gets harder and tougher, and that made me very tolerant as a person. I knew what to expect in the future and it hardly surprised me. -
First day of Tennis Sophomore Year
First Day of Sophomore Year in High School