First dog
first day of kindergarden
The first day I asked a girl if she would be my friend and she had to ask her other friend for permission if we all could be friends. One of the girls I was first friends with, we were close friends until about 3rd grade because she moved. The other girl I was close friends with until 7th grade -
baby cousin was born
he is like my little brother i don't have. -
trip to peru
The first time my dad has been back to his hometown in 22 years. I met a lot of family members that I didn't know I had. -
Trip to the Amazon Rainforest
I saw dolphins for the first time. I rode in a boat for the first time. I saw monkeys, crocidiles and many other animals in their natural habitat for the first time. -
trip to mexico
first time my mom has been to mexico in over 20 years. My first time there. -
Trip to SeaWorld
Driving for the first time
Sprained ankle & busted knees