
Personal Timeline

By MikeN.
  • Birth

    This was the day i was born into the world at the Mesa Hospital
  • Head Injury

    Head Injury
    This is the night when i was playing with my brother and i fell on the back of my head and cracked my head open and i had to go to the hospital to get stitches.
  • First day of School

    First day of School
    This was my first day ever going to school at Gilbert Elementary
  • First Football Game

    First Football Game
    This was the first time i remember watching a football game and it was inspiring to me
  • Got a caught with character Award

    Got a caught with character Award
    In my 3rd grade class i received an award from the school district for having all 6 pillars of characters
  • Birth of my First Nephew

    Birth of my First Nephew
    My sister gave birth to my first nephew Anthony at Mercy Hospital When i was only 10
  • Went to Sea World

    Went to Sea World
    i went to see shamu, seals and a ton of other fun and interesting thing on a 5th grade field trip in Mr. Dawns Class
  • Received trombone player of the year

    Received trombone player of the year
    I got a certificate for being the best hard working trombone player in my 6th grade music class
  • Moved to my house now

    Moved to my house now
    I moved from my old house on 306 E. Park to my house im living in now which my grampa used to own
  • My First NFL jersey

    My First NFL jersey
    I got my first Baltimore Ravens jersey for Christmas from my church and it was number 86 which was Todd Heap a tight end
  • First day of JR. High

    First day of JR. High
    This was my first day going to jr high i was so nervous about my teachers and other students attitudes
  • Birth of My first Niece

    Birth of My first Niece
    My other sister gave birth to My first niece Beatrice when i was 12
  • Birth of my second nephew

    Birth of my second nephew
    My sister also gave birth to her 2nd child David a little mess maker
  • Ravens win the Super Bowl

    Ravens win the Super Bowl
    My favorite football team won their 2nd super bowl since they have been a team in 1995 nut it was the first one i actually watched on t.v.
  • First day of High School

    First day of High School
    My first day of high school at Mesquite High
  • Very unexpected Death

    Very unexpected Death
    My grampa died on christmas eve this year and it was such a struggle and tragedy to me and my family