Personal Timeline

By Ja3dyn
  • My birth

    I was born in the Leamington hospital
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    Grade School

    I went to gosefield north public
  • My first phone

    I was begging my parents for a phone
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    High school

    In high school I found out who I was, and made some new friends I thought I'd never make but am still friends with the ones from grade school
  • My first boyfriend

    My first boyfriend I was 15 and it was not as I imagined, it was an okay relationship but in the end there were a lot of issues that drove us to break up but I think it was a good learning experience
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    My First Job

    My first job was an assistant to the event manager at the Canadian Transportation Museum and Heritage Village. I think it was a good first job because I got to learn responsibility, team work skills, communication, and I also made some new friends
  • College

    I start college in September for E.C.E (Early Childhood Education)