Date of Birth
I was born in Scottsdale, Arizona at 10:18 in the morning -
Took my first steps
I learned how to ride a bike and fell many times -
Teige started her first ballet and jazz classes -
Spelling Bee
In 5th grade I won the school spelling bee -
I started playing club and school volleyball -
Adopt a dog HEREMy friend's dog had puppies and I took one of them home and named him Blaze -
Washington, D.C.
My family and I went to visit Washington, D.C. and toured the white house and many other significant buildings -
Canada Trip
Read about Niagara Falls HEREOver the summer my whole family went to Canada for a week and visited Niagara Falls -
Driver's permit tips HEREI passed my permit test on the second try -
Fed the Homeless
I went to feed the homeless with my mom, siblings, and my cousin -