Personal Timeline

  • My time in New Hampshire

    My time in New Hampshire
    The state I was born in and lived for four years. A specific memory I have is playing frisbee with my grandparents who came to the US from India. It represents my origins and the strong family bonds I had as a child.
  • We move to Kansas

    We move to Kansas
    After my Dad got a new job I moved to Kansas with my family and remember riding a toy car with my brother in the new lawn. My first big change in my life and having to adjust my lifestyle was very significant in my young life.
  • Going on the bus in Third Grade

    Going on the bus in Third Grade
    I remember going to the bus for the first time as before my parents always carpooled me to school. My first time of being independent to my parents was something I remembered to this day with my mom being kind of anxious and making sure I had everything before I went to the bus stop.
  • Graduating from 8th grade

    Graduating from 8th grade
    Leaving middle school was sad, but felt rewarding. Taking pictures with my friends and family and celebrating my hard work and experiences were worth it ten times over.
  • Covid-19

    At the start of 2020 and counting this pandemic has taught me to be more proactive and adaptable. After being lazy gaining Bs in my sophomore year I learned how hard school can be. Learning through the screen was very challenging and taught me a great bit of staying on task and avoiding distractions. The specific event of the end of my Sophomore year capped of a year of laziness and conflict which I remember with a sense of disgust as I could have done so much better and kept a better GPA.
  • Present

    Right now being the most busy I've ever been as I struggle to finish college applications and my senior year.
  • High School Graduation

    High School Graduation
    The year I graduate will be significant as I hopefully get into a good college and venture into my pre med track.
  • Start of Med School

    Start of Med School
    After majoring in biology I hope to become a doctor and get into medical school as its very hard to get into but very rewarding. A future memory never to forget.
  • Becoming a doctor

    Becoming a doctor
    After 12 years of hard work I hope to be a doctor and be able to asses people's problems and help them live longer. I know that finally getting my license will be a life time achievement.
  • Marriage?

    While I'm not sure if I will ever be married, I don't want to be alone. I want children and I feel the moment I solidify my relationship with my future wife I can truly start another chapter in my life. A life of a husband and a parent.
  • The birth of my first child

    The birth of my first child
    The most important part of my family is the start of a new generation. Starting a family creates new challenges and headaches but continues the cycle of life just like my parents. A future memory everlasting.
  • Reflection

    My timeline tells me how life is a loop. From being a child with my grandparents I will eventually as a doctor be responsible for a new generation. If I never came to Kansas my life would be completely different with new friends and different memories to cherish. While I look at my time in New Hampshire fondly I never regret moving to Kansas. While my past is unchangeable, my future is not. I could change my career, never have children. All I hope is to live my life not knowing what's next.