Father's Birth
Cuban Missile Crisis
Mother's Birth
Assassination of President Kennedy
Civil Rights Act
1st Space Walk
Invention of the Internet
Nixon Resigns
My parents met
Dad graduated Highschool
Mom graduated highschool
My Parents get engaged
My parents bought their 1st house
My Parents are Married
Chernobyl Nuclear Meltdown
Fall of Berlin Wall
Gulf War
My 1st Birthday
World Trade Center is Bombed
My Parents Build their current home
I started Kindergarten
1st Probe on Mar's Surface
9/11 Attack on the Twin Towers
Indian Ocean Tsunami
Hurricane Katrina
The US attacks Afghanistan
1st African American President
I graduated Highschool
Began college at IUS
Washington D.C. legalized same-sex marraige
Applied to IU
Moved out of my parent's house
Began courses at Indiana University
Indiana Outlaws Texting and Driving
Indiana Banned Smoking in most Public Places
Amendment 64 Passed legalizing marijuana in Colorado
Moved back home
Began Student Teaching
Colorado begins selling Marijuana
Graduated from IU
Completed my 1st teaching interview