Personal Timeline

  • Obama was elected president

    Obama was elected president
    Obama was the first African-American president
  • First day of school

    First day of school
    My first event was me starting kindergarten
  • Learned how to ride a bike

    Learned how to ride a bike
    I learned a basic life skill
  • First video game console

    First video game console
    I got my first video game console which was an xbox 360
  • Osama Bin Laden killed

    Osama Bin Laden killed
    Osama Bin Laden was assassinated
  • First vacation

    First vacation
    My first vacation was a trip to San Francisco
  • First Dog

    First Dog
    My very first dog was a small poodle
  • Promoted 5th grade

    Promoted 5th grade
    After going through all of elementary school i finally promoted 5th grade
  • Supreme court allowed same sex marriage

    Supreme court allowed same sex marriage
    same sex marriage was finally legalized
  • Donald Trump elected president

    Donald Trump elected president
    He was elected as the 45th president