Personal timeline

By Alaaa
  • Day i was born!

    Day i was born!
  • First Vacation to Punta Cana

    First Vacation to Punta Cana
  • Graduation from Kindergarten (6 years old)

    Graduation from Kindergarten (6 years old)
  • Moved from Downtown Toronto to Richmond Hill

    Moved from Downtown Toronto to Richmond Hill
  • Niagara Falls for Ballroom Dance competiton

    Niagara Falls for Ballroom Dance competiton
  • Grandfather died

    Grandfather died
    On this day my Grandfather from my Father's side died and this was a very hard time for me
  • Going to Odessa to visit my grandparents on my Mother's side

    Going to Odessa to visit my grandparents on my Mother's side
  • Grandparents immigrated to Canada

    Grandparents immigrated to Canada
    This was the day that my grandparents immigrated to Canada
  • First day of High school!

    First day of High school!
  • Traveling back to Europe to visit my family

    Traveling back to Europe to visit my family