Timeline 1

Personal Time Line - Joseph

  • Birthday

    I was born in China on January 2nd, 2001
  • 9/11

    The day the World Trade Center was attacked
  • Moved to Canada

    Moved to Canada
    I moved to Canada to live with my mom and dad when I was 4.
  • First day of School.

    First day of School.
    My first day of school was on September 7th 2006
  • First time at Disney Land

    First time at Disney Land
    First time at Disney
  • 2010 Winter Olympics Vancouver

    2010 Winter Olympics Vancouver
    First game hosted in Vancouver
  • Raptors vs Warriors

    Raptors vs Warriors
    Raptors vs Warriors game
  • Elementary School Graduation

    Elementary School Graduation
    The day I graduated from Macleods Landing Public School
  • Terry Fox Run

    Terry Fox Run
    Terry Fox run 2015
  • Veld Music Festival Toronto

    Veld Music Festival Toronto
    Music festival hosted in Toronto on July 30th 2016