I was 7.2 lbs and 20.2 inches. I was born in Sioux Valley hostptal. -
Got my cat
I got my cat, Buttercup, when I was 1 month old. My sister named her. She looks just like the picture. -
I was baptized at the Methodist church in Canton. I do not remember this event at all. -
First time I walked
I walked at 10 1/2 months old. It was just a normal day and then I just started to walk. -
My first birthday party
All of my relatives came to my house and we had cake. -
Fist time I caught a fish
I caught a 13-inch walleye for my first caught. My dad set the hook and I reeled in the fish. -
rode a bike for the first time.
I was 3 and a half years old when I rode a bike for the first time. I rode down my street wiped out and then I got back up and I rode it without fallng. -
First day of school!!
I was 5 years 5 months old on my first day of school. I was not excited. I remember crying and holding onto my mom. -
first time going to state wrestling.
I was 5 years old when I went to state wrestling. The event was in Rapid city. -
Lost my first tooth.
I was 5 1/2 years old when I lost my first tooth. I remember I got 3 dollars for my first tooth. -
playing my first basketball game.
my first game of basketball was in the Big Sioux league. I was so excited because I started practice 2 weeks earlier and was ready to play. -
My grandpas death
My grandpa was 75 years old when he passed away. His heart exploded when he was riding his motorcylce with my grandma on back. -
Driving a car for the first time.
I drove my sister's car from the golf course. I was so worried I was going to crash a die. -
Trip to Mexico
I went to Mexico For Thanksgiving last year. We went snorkeling and I had a damily record 19 smoothies in one day. -
traveling basketball team.
I played for Barttlet basketball academy in 2017-2018. -
touching the backboard
I touched the backboard on a 10-foot rim. I was so excited because I could just imagine myself pinning someone in a basketabll game.