Personal Time Line

  • My Birth

  • I started jetskiing

    I started jetskiing
    My dad introduced my sister and I to the sport of jetskiing, and then we started to compete regionally.
  • National Races

    National Races
    We start to compete at national races. My sister becomes a national champion her first year, I become the national champion in my class my second year.
  • I start to learn Guitar

    I start to learn Guitar
    I Start learning guitar on my own and start progressing in my playing
  • I form my band Spitfire Sarcasm

    I form my band Spitfire Sarcasm
    I formed my band the summer I started learning guitar with my best friend who i taught how to play drums
  • My Last year Racing

    My Last year Racing
    We were racing in Canada instead of nationals and I was second in the nation but only because during the last race i dislocated my shoulder. With the injury i decide to go with playing guitar instead of jetskiing.
  • I make my first EP

    I make my first EP
    I worked on and played all the instruments on my first EP which was a jazz instrumental short album. I recorded nd mixed all of it in my basement.
  • I release my first Album

    I release my first Album
    I had been working on my first album for a long time and then i finally was able to release it. I played all the instruments and mixed and recorded it in my basement
  • I release my music onto Spotify and all music apps

    I release my music onto Spotify and all music apps
    i was able to publish my music publicly and sell it as well as own the rights for my music.