Alan’s Journey to Nursing

  • Career fair

    Career fair
    I became interested in nursing during a career fair at my highs school. I did not know anyone in the medical field but the profession sounded appealing to me due to the pay.
  • Period: to

    Started a CNA course

    After I graduated high school I enrolled in an adult education program for CNA
  • Started college

    Started college
    Enrolled at the local community college to begin prerequisite for nursing.
  • Work as a CNA

    I began working as a CNA full time as I completed my prerequisites and my goal was to get into an ADN program.
  • Period: to

    Submitted applications for ADN

    I completed necessary prerecs and took TEAS test so I was able to apply for ADN programs. However, I did not get in either time and I applied to three different programs for two years.
  • Dropped out of school

    Dropped out of school
    As time passed and with not getting into any programs I continued to work as a CNA and dropped out of college with no plans of trying to transfer into a university.
  • I am a nobody

    I am a nobody
    With nothing else to do besides work in a crap job I became anxious and worried what I was going to do with my life. I was depressed at the possibility my life would be meaningless as I could not get into a nursing program and had no other goals in mind
  • Period: to

    Applied to SDSU

    With nothing else to do I decided to apply to SDSU for fall 2015
  • Public health undergrad

    Public health undergrad
    I got accepted into SDSU as a transfer student for Fall 2015 as a Public Health undergraduate
  • Period: to

    New job

    As I began my studies at SDSU I began new employment with Scripps Health as a CNA and at my school as a student driver for disability services
  • Graduated from SDSU

    Graduated from SDSU
    I completed my undergrad in public health and became the first in my family to get a college degree.
  • Period: to

    Applied to ADN

    After getting my bachelors in public health I began to work with the County of San Diego. I applied to ADN programs again and still was unable to get in
  • Focused on career

    Focused on career
    I began to change my goals and began traveling and focusing on career advancement within the County.
  • Period: to

    Social worker

    I worked my way into social work and began to help out aged, and disabled adults and children with programs.
  • UUN

    I decided to give nursing another shot as it was a long time goal of mine and the pressure to still become one was always at the back of my mind. I retook all my prerecs and was given the opportunity to attend UUN as the first cohort. I was nervous as this meant I needed to quit a full time career with pension but knew I had to be uncomfortable again to be the best person I could be for myself.
  • Completed first semester of nursing

    Completed first semester of nursing
    A stressful first semester but one that will always be memorable. With the help of peers and the engagement by the instructors to help me succeed I was able to complete my first semester of nursing school. I continue my journey through the ADN program and look forward to beginning second semester this fall
  • Graduate nursing school

    Graduate nursing school
    Future goal is to graduate nursing schoo, pass the NCLEX and get a job in the ED or ICU