Personal Identity Timeline

By kchea
  • Birth

    I was born at Swedish Hospital, Chicago, Illinois
  • First Day of School

    First Day of School
    First day of school is hard to remember, but it's always special because I was always reunited with my best friend.
  • Soccer

    Soccer was a sport I played as a kid, it was fun and taught me to keep going.
  • Sister Was Born

    Sister Was Born
    I have other siblings, but my sister is the most important. The reason is because I always wanted a sister. Also, because of the big age gap. I have been taught that sisters are bratty but nice to have.
  • Taekwondo

    I did other things like gymnastics, dance, etc. But taekwondo left a big impression on me because it disciplined me to respect others and myself.
  • Covid

    Covid made me more closed-off. I also struggled in school. I think Covid was a struggle for everyone. This showed I had perseverance.
  • Trip to Virginia

    Trip to Virginia
    This is my first trip to Virginia, I haven't been outside of Illinois for a trip, unless I'm seeing family in Wisconsin.
  • 8th Grade Graduation

    8th Grade Graduation
    This marked my journey into teenage life. I was excited for high school, but also scared. I was also thinking about what'll happen to my classmates.
  • Freshman Friends

    Freshman Friends
    One of the things I was most worried about was being alone. But, I gladly found friends, and made more along the way.
  • Coworker Buddy/Starting Work

    Coworker Buddy/Starting Work
    Starting to work gave me a sense of responsibility. It also let me meet more amazing people.
  • Trip to Florida

    Trip to Florida
    This was my first time going to Florida. I was excited and thought that I would be too old, but I still enjoyed it.
  • Hoco

    This was my second time going to hoco, but it was more enjoyable. I saw more of my friends and I had a lot of fun.
  • Ash!

    I always wanted a dog. He gave me the opportunity to do so. He gave me more responsibility.
  • Bestfriend Quince

    Bestfriend Quince
    This event allowed me to see my best friend again, since it's not often. We go to different high schools. So I got to dance with her and meet her friends.
  • Khmer New Year

    Khmer New Year
    I went with dad, but coincidentally my aunt was there too. I played tag with cousin and also prayed.
  • Six Flags!

    Six Flags!
    This was my first time going to Six Flags. I thought I would be scared or throw up. But, I actually enjoyed all of the rides I went on.
  • Strawberry Picking

    Strawberry Picking
    This was the first time I went strawberry picking. My dad took me during the summer. It was really hot.
  • First Day of Junior Year

    First Day of Junior Year
    Usually, people would say first day of freshman year is special. But, for me it was junior year. The reason was because I wasn't going to wear a mask, I gained a new confidence.
  • Temple

    This was the first I was experiencing contributing to the Buddhas. It was a good learning experience.
  • Seventeen Right Here Concert

    Seventeen Right Here Concert
    I am a big fan of Seventeen. I was able to go as an early birthday present. I went with one of my friends and had a lot of fun.