Personal Identity Digital Timeline

By hakram
  • Birth

    I was born on the 19th of April in 2007
  • First Vacation overseas

    First Vacation overseas
    I flew to the U.S. for vacation with my dad from saudi Arabia.
  • Moving to Chicago

    Moving to Chicago
    After the vacation to the U.S. My family decided to move from the middle east to Chicago.
  • First day of 2nd grade in my new school

    First day of 2nd grade in my new school
    My first day of 2nd grade was in a middle school named Sauganash.
  • My first time hanging out

    My first time hanging out
    It had been around a year in my new school and I had made a friend group so we hung out for the first time.
  • My first passion

    My first passion
    I had discovered I had a passion for playing soccer and possibly pursuing it in the future.
  • My first team

    My first team
    I decided to join my school soccer team with my friends.
  • Winning a City championship

    Winning a City championship
    I won a city championship with the school soccer team.
  • First trip back to the middle east

    First trip back to the middle east
    Me and my family visited our family in the middle east for summer break.
  • Joining a travel soccer team

    Joining a travel soccer team
    I took soccer more seriously and joined my first travel soccer team.
  • Graduating 8th Grade

    Graduating 8th Grade
    I graduated middle school and had just begun a new chapter of my life... Which was high school.
  • Vacation to Wisconsin

    Vacation to Wisconsin
    For summer me and my family took a vacation to Michigan and went to Wisconsin Dells.
  • First day of Freshmen year

    First day of Freshmen year
    my first day of high school was at Taft Freshmen academy.
  • First time working out

    First time working out
    my brother got me into lifting weights at home
  • Trip to saudi arabia

    Trip to saudi arabia
    Once again for another summer me and my family went to visit our family back home
  • First day of Sophomore year

    First day of Sophomore year
    This was my first day at the varsity campus of Taft
  • My first gym Membership

    My first gym Membership
    I got my first every gym membership
  • Six Flags

    Six Flags
    Me and my friends went to Six Flags ourselves for the first time.
  • Car permit

    Car permit
    I had just completed Drivers ED and passed the drivers exam and got my permit
  • First time driving

    First time driving
    My first time ever driving was in a residential area with my dad