Personal Identity Digital Timeline

By jacleen
  • Birth

    I was born in Chicago, Illinois in The Swedish Hospital
  • Little brother birth

    Little brother birth
    He was also born in Chicago Illinois in the Swedish Hospital. trait: loving
  • covid-19 quarantine

    covid-19 quarantine
    COVID has spread in the middle of 7th grade and schools have shut down for "2 weeks" and continued till summer and the following year. Instead of drifting from friends, we stayed in contact almost every day and they are still my best friends to this day trait: loyalty
  • 8th grade graduation

    8th grade graduation
    My 8th grade year and graduation was not how imagined it to be. I was anticipating on going to Washington D.C as my 8th grade trip since I was little and I imagined walking on the stage. We unfortunately had a graduation drive through. traits: disappointment
  • first year at CICS NTA (freshman)

    first year at CICS NTA (freshman)
    My first day was very nerve-wrecking especially since no one from my old school really went here. I had to start new and fresh. I did not enjoy being at this school but i decided to make the most of it knowing i was going to transfer after the year ends. Trait: Independence
  • Aunties wedding

    Aunties wedding
    My aunts wedding was a memorable thing because this was my first time experiencing my culture's wedding tradition and there was many different aspects to it that made it very special. This inspired me to also have one when i grow up.
  • ASM Toy Making

    ASM Toy Making
    My first time earning money (by stipend) and gaining hands-on experience. trait: responsibilty
  • Chase Atlantic Concert

    Chase Atlantic Concert
    This was my first concert. Not my best concert experience but it was definitely an experience
  • Lollapalooza

    this was my first festival i went to and i do have to say it is a experience. I went for a specific person that was performing that night (J-Hope from BTS) and i had a good view considering the amount of people that built up over the hours. trait: sociable
  • first year at Taft (sophmore)

    first year at Taft (sophmore)
    I decided NTA did not provide the opportunities i needed so i decided to transfer to Taft.
  • Niki Concert

    Niki Concert
    The third concert of the year!
  • first vietnamese club meeting

    first vietnamese club meeting
    I've always wanted to join a community to connect with my culture since I was a freshman. Unfortunately, NTA did not have a Vietnamese Club and fortunately, Taft did.
  • Keshi concert

    Keshi concert
    fourth concert!
  • Spring choir concert

    Spring choir concert
    This is one of the more memorable school concerts I performed for.
  • i-day / i-night

    i-day / i-night
    First I-Day/I-Night Taft has had in a few years! I loved performing and the support. A very memorable part of my sophomore year. trait: passion
  • taftstock

    Last school concert. There were food trucks and everything, also a very memorable part of Sophmore year.
  • Taylor Swift Concert

    Taylor Swift Concert
    fifth concert! one of my favorites and best experiences! Hardest concert to get tickets for and I got super lucky. trait: gratefulness
  • UIC FLB Program

    UIC FLB Program
    A program I decided to try to get some more experience and insight on different aspects of business and pitching. trait: adventurous
  • Vietnam Trip

    Vietnam Trip
    First Vietnam trip I've had in years. I haven't been back since I was 5/6 years old so reconnecting with family members I haven't seen in years was very sentimental.
  • first time at six flags

    first time at six flags
    Surprising as it is, I never went to Six Flags until just 2 months ago. I was never a big fan of roller coasters and would refuse to get on but this day I decided to try one ride and it took a lot of courage. trait: risk-taker