Personal Identity Digital Timeline

  • My birth

    My birth
    I was born on August 4th 2006 in Chicago Illinois
  • Starting kindergarten

    Starting kindergarten
    On September 5th 2011 I started kindergarten, On the first day I cried because I was scared and it was the first time I went to real school
  • Getting my dog

    Getting my dog
    On April 22th 2014 we got my dog named Quincy, he was really hyper the night we brought him home and we played with him all night.
  • Getting my cats

    Getting my cats
    On March 15th 2015 We got my cats named Grey and Hawk. I was so exited to get them. The night we got them I played with them all night.
  • Crossing the Cub Scouts bridge to Boy Scouts

    Crossing the Cub Scouts bridge to Boy Scouts
    On April 15th 2016 I walked the bridge from cub scouts to boy scouts, even though i didn't continue boy scouts it was still a great accomplishment.
  • First memory of plane ride

    First memory of plane ride
    On august 15th 2018 Me and my dad went to Washington DC to see my grandma and my dads side of the family. I had a good time and got to see the capital
  • Bunny joins household

    Bunny joins household
    On August 4th 2019 I got my bunny named Lil Bun for my birthday. I was so exited and spend a lot of time with him. and surprisingly he gets along good with my cats.
  • Remote learning begins

    Remote learning begins
    On March 15th 2020 During 8th Grade remote learning started. I was a little bit happy because I didn't have to go to school and it was really easy but also a little sad I didn't get to have a formal 8th grade graduation.
  • Graduating 8th grade

    Graduating 8th grade
    On June 15th 2020 I graduated from my elementary/middle school, I didn't do the best there but I made a lot of good friends and had fun.
  • Starting high school

    Starting high school
    On September 5th 2020 I started Remote learning high school, it was a interesting experience and I feel I didn't learn a whole lot but it was something different.
  • Trip to Shawnee National Forest

    Trip to Shawnee National Forest
    On August 15 2021 My mom, brother and I went to Shawnee national forest and we hiked a lot. The sights were beautiful especially when you were on top of a giant rock.
  • Back to in-school

    Back to in-school
    On August 25th 2021 Remote learning ended and I had to go back to in person sophomore year. I was scared to go back and I had a lot of anxiety early on but I was happy I got to see people I knew and I really enjoyed sophomore year