Personal Identity Digital Timeline

  • Birth in the Philipines

    Birth in the Philipines
    I was born in Mindanao of Philipines. Me and my sisters were born in different parts but all in the Philipines. My birth being in our hometown in the countryside.
  • Little Sister, Mary

    Little Sister, Mary
    She is born about a year younger than me and she goes to the same school as well. We always fought when younger but are still relatively close as we have similar interests.
  • Father moved away

    Father moved away
    My father moved to US to look for better work and job opportunities. Leaving me, my sisters, and my mom in the Philippines.
  • Whole Family moved to the US

    Whole Family moved to the US
    Soon enough, my family followed others to live in the US for better opportunities and that was where my dad lived. A huge change in culture and envirioment.
  • Got into a apartment

    Got into a apartment
    I used to live in the quiet house in the countryside. But now we live in a smaller place with the loud roads and need to be silent, less we want to disturb the neighbors.
  • Parents Married

    Parents Married
    After reuniting in the US, my mother and father got married. Despite difficulties in financial and housing, they still stuck together.
  • 1st Day of School in the US

    1st Day of School in the US
    The US was a very new environment for me. The culture shock and even the weather was super overwhelming as a child.
  • Covid

    Covid, embarrassingly, didn’t change much of my lifestyle, but made me appreciate people more. I had learned to use call with friends and playing games online became a frequent thing in my life.
  • Lolo's Death, Grandfather

    Lolo's Death, Grandfather
    My great grandfather was very dear to me in my childhood in the Philippines. I had visited his house semi frequently and I had memories of being at the back of the truck and the front yard hammock.
  • Father's Citizenship

    Father's Citizenship
    My dad hadn’t been a citizen despite long term residency. It was big change because of legal reasons and I know it is a difficult thing to achieve despite my ignorance as a mere child.
  • 8th Grade Gradutation

    8th Grade Gradutation
    I had finally graduated from elementary school said goodbye to people I had known for a long time, and changed schools from the first went to when I moved here. Change wasn’t something I had grown to favor, but rather tolerated.
  • 1st Day of HS

    1st Day of HS
    High school was a big change because of the amount of students and different schedules. I had a spike of social anxiety and had given up on clubs because it was in the varsity campus.
  • Las Vegas Summer Break

    Las Vegas Summer Break
    It was one of the first official times my family had decided to go out of state during break. A very far and expensive one to be exact.
  • Older Sister's move in to College Dorms

    Older Sister's move in to College Dorms
    My older sister, Hailie, went to college downtown and even got a dorm. She had basically moved out of the house, finally, and even found herself a boyfriend. And the boyfriend’s twin, is a friend of mine.
  • Older Sister's Citizenship

    Older Sister's Citizenship
    My older sister was soon going to college and got her papers for applications. Mostly an easy process because our father had also gotten his papers prior before her.
  • Sophmore Year HS

    Sophmore Year HS
    This year, I personally had peaked socially because of the friends I had made in class. Lucking out even with my lunch table of eight total friends to talk and hang out with. My favorite in school event was our own mini potluck before winter break.
  • Genshin Concert

    Genshin Concert
    This is the first concert I’ve ever went to and it was about a game I was obsessed with. I went there with my older sister downtown and it highlighted my love for music and cosplay.
  • Junior Year

    Junior Year
    Stressful year usually for high schoolers as academics, extracurriculars, and jobs become increasingly more challenging to balance as responsibilities stack up.
  • Junior HS Japanese Club VP

    Junior HS Japanese Club VP
    Me and my friends started this club to celebrate Japanese culture and to show our appreciation for it. Despite the ton of work and new experiences, we worked hard for it to happen.
  • ASM Experimental Comics

    ASM Experimental Comics
    It was my first technical job despite it being a program because I was paid. Though online, I did do work for it and it was part of my passion for creativity and art.