the day I was born -
start of kindergarten
left kinder garden
First day of First grade/smyser
learning how to ride a bike
first time to mexico
sisters graduation from college
this year my sister graduated from wright college -
getting my first gaming console
started playing football
when i was playing football with my friends or on my team i felt very athletic in the moment and i really liked it. -
first job
This point in my life was the first time i had gotten a job and allowed me to earn my own money -
first concert
this was where most of my life went away or well it felt like it and it made me feel restrained -
graduation from 8th grade
I graduated from 8th grade during the pandemic or towards the end of it -
first day at Taft high school
planting an apple tree in my backyard
this was an idea my sister gave my mom and i so we decided to plant a apple tree together and its been a year since then -
first car
this was the very first car I had and i enjoyed it as much as i could -
birth of my first nephew