February 17, 2005, I was born. My older cousin was obsessed with taking care of me, so much so that she would be upset if my mom needed to hold me. I am also my grandpas favorite grandchild from the second I was born to to this day -
My first time at Disneyland. My parents wanted to take a picture of me with Winnie the Pooh and I started crying because I was scared. It's ironic because now I absolutely love Winnie the Pooh and have plushies of the characters. -
I was baptized in Mexico. My godparents live in Mexico. They got divorced a while later but they both understand the responsibility they have and I am extremely grateful for having them in my life -
In my religion, when a baby turns 3, they are presented with new godparents. So I got another pair of godparents that day. To this day they are very involved in my life and I am very grateful to have them. -
First year of school, I was in preschool. I fell from the slide of the playground and broke my arm. I was the center of attention for a few months. -
For my birthday, I had a Strawberry Shortcake themed birthday party at a near by park. It started raining and when i was heading back to my car i slipped. From that fall i still have a scar. -
I got my first dog, we grew up with him and he always brightened our days after school. He was stolen from us but was soon returned home safely. He was disabled for most of his life as well, for the record we did not do that to him, he was blind and had a slight limp when we got him. -
My mom's birthday was around the corner so my dad decided to surprise her with a vacation to Canada in the summer. We visited many gardens and butterfly exhibits. That was my first time traveling by Ferry. -
On a trip to Mexico, I was informed by my parents that I had a half sister. We went to go meet her for the first time and a few years later she moved in with us for a while. -
My fourth grade teacher ended up passing away of cancer. She had a really big impact in my life because even though I was young, she always supported and believed in me, especially when I was struggling in school. -
During Winter, I visited my family in Mexico and this was the year I started being terrified of the ocean because I almost drowned at the beach -
I went trick or treating with my cousins on Halloween and we encountered a "killer clown", since it was a big thing during this time ,and we got chased around my block -
I entered Middle School, around this time i made a lot of life long friends and started to discover my love for dancing. -
Before the start of my eight grade year, my mom forgot to register me for the campus i was currently attending. I ended up attending the same school but a different campus in West Valley City. Though I quickly made friends and I am still close friends with most of them after meeting them over 2 years ago. -
During the summer, my uncle met the love of his life and planned to get married in the winter. The only thing was that he lived in California and she lived in Utah. He decided to sell his business, my dad bought it from him. Later that fall my family moved to California and i started my freshman year of High School in Garden Grove California. -
The trump administration did nothing to stop the Corona virus which lead to a global quarantine. After a lot of decision making, my family decided to move back to Utah from California.