Personal History Timeline

  • My Birth

    My Birth
    Richmond Memorial Hospital: Mr. Jenkins is born 3 weeks late and after 17 hours of labor. His parents are thrilled - his mother is relieved.
  • Metrics!

    Congress passes the Metric Conversion Act, which encourages, but does not mandate, the use of the metric system in America.
  • Vermont!

    Mr. Jenkins moves to South Burlington, VT: Leaving the sunny south behind, Mr. Jenkins and his parents move to VT. Unbeknownst to them, it gets cold and snows in Vermont. But they move in the summer, so all is well for now.

    Inspired by the novel, The Catcher in the Rye, Mark David Chapman shot and killed John Lennon outside the Dakota Hotel.
  • Middle School!

    Middle School!
    Mr. Jenkins enters middle school - 1st day of 6th grade at Essex Middle School
  • Headbangers Ball

    Headbangers Ball
    MTV's Headbangers Ball debuts. The world will never be the same.
  • Graduation!

    Mr. Jenkins graduates from Essex Junction High School
  • First day of school ... as a teacher!

    First day of school ... as a teacher!
    Mr. Jenkins becomes a teacher! Working at both Rockingham Co. High School and Morehead High School, he teaches all levels of Latin.
  • Y2K: Apocalypse Averted!

    Y2K: Apocalypse Averted!
    Despite dire warnings, the mad dash to update computer code averts a catastrophic event. On January 1st, we were all still here.
  • Period: to

    Afghanistan War

    After the attacks on 9/11, the United States invades Afghanistan in an attempt to capture Al Qaeda. This war becomes the longest in American history.
  • Iphone!

    Apple introduces the world to the smartphone. For better or worse, the Americans will never be the same.
  • Change!

    Barak Obama is elected as the first person of color to the presidency of the United States.
  • So many roles!

    So many roles!
    Mr. Jenkins comes onboard full time at Summit School, teaching 7th & 8th grade English and Intro to Latin, and wrangling 4th & 5th graders in the After School program.
  • Moving Day!

    Moving Day!
    Mr. Jenkins Moves from Advance to Winston-Salem!
  • Social Studies/American History

    Social Studies/American History
    Mr. Jenkins begins teaching 8th-grade Social Studies: American History. After two decades of Latin, Ancient History, and Language Arts, he gets to tackle a subject he's wanted to teach for a long time.
  • Covid and Summit: Remote Learning

    Covid and Summit: Remote Learning
    Due to the arrival of Covid, Summit moves to distance learning.
  • Giant Hornets!

    Giant Hornets!
    Giant hornets invade the United States!
  • A new house!

    A new house!
    Mr. Jenkins moves into his new house!