Personal/HIstorical Events

By Jelexus
  • Internet First usage

    Everyone begin using internet.
  • Hit by a car at two years old

    Hit by a car at two years old
    When i was two years old, i was hit by a car.
  • Twin Towers incident

    Twin Towers incident
    The Twin Towers were hit with airplanes
  • iMac G4

    iPhone introduces the iMac G4
  • Hurricane in the South Atlantic

    The first recorded hurricane in the South Atlantic
  • Hurricane Katrina

    Hurricane Katrina
    Hurricane Katrina floods New Orleans
  • Chased by a snake at six years old

    When i was six years old i was chased around a tree by a snake
  • Youtube and Flash Drives

    Youtube is launched and USB flash drives replace floppy disk
  • Rhino extinct

    In West Africa, Rhino is declared extinct
  • iPhones and Kindle

    Apple debuts the iPhone and Amazon releases the Kindle
  • Being in the newspaper

    In 2007, I cried when i heard myself being in the newspaper.
  • April Fool's Day

    In 2008, the principal tricked everyone into getting a paddle on April Fool's Day.
  • Being suspended

    In fourth grade, I got suspended for slapping a boy in the face.
  • Being suspeneded for the remainder of the school year

    Also, in fourth grade I was suspended for the remainder of the school year for fighting.
  • Water on the Moon and Africa's population

    Water is discovered on the Moon and Africa's population reaches one billion
  • Barack Obama

    Barack Obama
    Barack Obama is sworn in as 44th president and the first black president of the United States of America
  • First time being paddled

    In sixth grade, I got paddled by my teacher Mr. Farmer.
  • Transferring from Ashland to Holly

    In ninth grade, I transferred to AShland High School for two weeks and went back to Holly Springs High School.
  • Being Pregnant

    Being Pregnant
    At the end of my ninth grade year, I got pregnant.
  • Having a Baby

    Having a Baby
    December 8th, 2014, I gave birth to a 5 pound 9 ounce baby girl.