Period: to
Personal Game History
Super Mario Bros (NES)
This game is important to me because it was my first real experience playing video games. It was a chance for me to play along side my older sibling; first real experience of competition. This game tried to teach many skills. The two main skills I believe it tried to teach was Collection and Timing.Collection-The ability to gather items. (Coins/Power-ups)Timing-The ability to complete actions at a precise moment. (Jumping/Dodging enemies) -
Monopoly (Analog)
This game is important to me because it was a very simple game that drew my attention towards economics; one of my other passions. The game was always fun and easy to play with either family or friends.
This game tried to teach many skills. The two main skills I believe it tried to teach was Arithmetic and Communication. Arithmetic-The ability to utilize numbers for basic mathematics (Purchasing properties…Luxury taxes…)
Communication-The ability to share ideas and thoughts with others. (Deals) -
Pokémon: Red (Gameboy)
There was a massive hype about the game Pokémon in my elementary school. I tried my best to avoid “buying” into the hype, but once I played it, I was hooked.
This game tried to teach many skills. The two main skills I believe it tried to teach was Exploration and Collection. Exploration-The ability to move about an area with the purpose of learning it. (Moving through towns to gain badges)
Collection-The ability to gather items. (Gotta Catch ‘em All) -
The Legend of Zelda:Ocarina of Time (N64)
It was the first game that I really was drawn into; almost addicted. It was the first time where video games was a personal challenge for me to accomplish. While I had been playing games before, this was the first one that made gaming not just a hobby but a passion. The two main skills I believe it tried to teach was Exploration and Aiming.
Exploration-The ability to move about an area with the purpose of learning it. (Water Temple…enough said)
Aiming-The ability to pinpoint a target(Boomerang) -
Advanced Dungeons and Dragons (Analog)
This game is important to me because it allowed me to work within a world that I helped create simply by playing. AD&D was a time where my closest friends and I would join together and create a world unlike reality. The two main skills I believe it tried to teach was Communication and Pack Mentality. Communication-The ability to share ideas and thoughts with others. (Action due to spoken word)
Pack Mentality-The ability to synchronize within a group for a common goal. (A quest in a dungeon)