Personal Finance Project

  • Birth

  • Period: to

    single didgets

  • Period: to


  • Start of High School

  • First Car

  • Second car. A JEEP!

    Second car. A JEEP!
  • Financial Aid Deadline

  • High School Graduation

    High School Graduation
  • Trip to Europe

    Trip to Europe
  • First Day of College?

    First Day of College?
  • Period: to


  • Graduate College!!!

  • Begin Law School

    Begin Law School
  • Graduate From Law School!!! Finaly Done With School!!!

    Graduate From Law School!!!  Finaly Done With School!!!
  • Move to NYC

  • Hopefully, My First 'Real' Job

  • Get Married?

  • By First Home, In NYC

    By First Home, In NYC
    Hopefully a CoOp with a doorman and at least 3 bedrooms.
  • First Kid?

    First Kid?
  • Period: to


  • Second Kid?

  • Third Kid?

  • By Country House in Main or Vacation Home on Nantucket

    By Country House in Main or Vacation Home on Nantucket
    Country House = Lake House
    Nantcket Home = Doesnt need to be a beach home Something that is't too big, but has a least three bedrooms a nice yard.
  • By my dream Car? A Birthday present?

    By my dream Car? A Birthday present?
    A Ferrari 250 California.
  • Period: to


  • First Kid Graduates High School

    First Kid Graduates High School
  • First Kid Starts college

  • Second Child's High School Graduation?

  • Second Child Begins College?

  • Period: to


  • Oldest Child Graduates From College

    Oldest Child Graduates From College
  • All Kids now Graduated From High School

  • All Children Now in College

  • Second Child Graduates From College?

    Second Child Graduates From College?
  • All Childred Done With College?

    All Childred Done With College?
  • Maybe a Grandchild?

  • Period: to


  • Retire

  • Traveling Begins

    Traveling Begins
  • Period: to


  • Settle in a House in CT or continue living in NYC

  • Period: to


  • Period: to
