Personal finance

By KJM1209
  • Train invention

    Train invention
    The train made it easier for things to be transported from place to place without it even leaving the ground.
  • Metal being made in the US

    Metal being made in the US
    The metal being made in the US increased the amount we could get and how much easier it would be to produce peace’s we needed
  • Civil war

    Civil war
    The civil war was one of the bigger wars between the north and the south and it impacted economics because
  • Abraham Lincoln

    Abraham Lincoln
    Abraham Lincoln helped free the slaves which made it to where they would get paid for doin there work they’d get paid.
  • First skyscraper ever made

    First skyscraper ever made
    The first skyscraper is what gives the city the look but it advanced the hole market area
  • First car made

    First car made
    When the first car was made it advanced the whole world for the rest of our time here
  • First plane

    First plane
    The first plane made it way easier for sellers to carry product and other valuables from place to place
  • Henry ford

    Henry ford
    Henry ford was on of the first mass producers of the automotive industry.
  • WWl

    The WWl was just like the Second World War it was just different people and then they affected the market because people didn’t want to get exports from those countries.
  • Herbert Hoover

    Herbert Hoover
    Herbert Hoover had one of the biggest influences on the market because he was being uncontrollable with it.
  • Great Depression

    Great Depression
    One of the worst times for economics. And one of the worst times for trying to get a job in the entire history of America.
  • WWll

    The WWll affected the market because all the stuff that people would buy from foreign country is not as much anymore
  • First greenscreen invented

    First greenscreen invented
    The greenscreen was invented and it advanced the advertising side of the market part.
  • Petal harbor

    Petal harbor
    Pera harbor ignited a big deal because when America dropped the bomb on Japan it ended up causing a big part of the market to crash
  • First computer

    First computer
    The first computer made it easier for people to do math equations and other things that they weren’t able to do before.
  • Rosa parks

    Rosa parks
    Rosa parks was one of the biggest black activist and she made it to where they were able to do lots of stuff that white people could do at a marketing job.
  • JFK assasination

    JFK assasination
    JFK assassination had effect on marketing because they had to buy more protective material for a new limo.
  • Brack Obama

    Brack Obama
    Brack made it easier for people in the market because he was able to use it to influence them.
  • Donald trump

    Donald trump
    Donald trump made it to where Americans didn’t have to pay as much tax money and he made it easy for the market.
  • Corona virus

    Corona virus
    The corona virus was a plague that hit the world hard about two years ago and it is still showing up around the world to this day
  • Joe biden

    Joe Biden cutting off the pipeline could affect the whole market because without that then more welders will be out of work
  • 2022 super bowl

    2022 super bowl
    The 2022 Super Bowl effected the economic market because there were more people buying stuff from little markets.
  • Russian Ukraine war

    Russian Ukraine war
    The Russian Ukrainian war impacted the stock market because it has made fuel and oil and lots of other things go through the roof