Personal Finance 30

  • Bursting of the Technology Bubble (

    -entrepreneurs saw potential
    - new economy (internet driven economy) -investors were getting rich
  • Period: to

    Personal Finance

  • September 11 Terrorist Attacks

    -helped shaped the financial events of the decade
    -after this, economic climate was to never be the same again
    -only the third time in history that the New York Stock Exchange was shut down
    -economic loss cannot be estimated
    -estimated about $60 billion in insurance costs
    -catastrophic financial loss
  • Enron, the Emergence of Corporate Fraud and Corporate Goverance

    -one of the top energy companies at this time
    -caught in a corporate fraud scandal that led to the bankruptcy of Enron
    -had billions of dollars in debt from shareholders, failed deals and projects
    -shareholders lost more than $60 billion in the scandal
    -led to the passage of Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002 which expanded penalties for accounting fraud
    -shook the securities markets and investor confidence
  • Stock Market Crash

    -after 9/11 stock market started going down hill again
    -market hasn't reached these lows since 1997 and 1998
    -fraud scandals were contributes to the loss of confidence in the stock market
  • War on Terror and Iraq War

    -after 9/11
    -war was launched in Afghanistan
    -Iraq war was launched in 03
    -cost of these wars is ongoing to date
    -Congressional research service has approved about $944 billion for the operations overseas
    -incredible financial drain on the economy
    -impossible to actually know the final cost
  • China and India Grow as World Financial Powers

    -economists estimate that these nations can grow at the rate of 7-8% for decades to come
    -china alone has grown about 9.6% in the past two decades
    -together they account for 1/3 of the worlds population
    -other countries started getting China and India to do work because of cheaper labor (no longer a thing). Kept their work in the country because talent and innovation in high tech fields
    -a million scientists and engineers are trained here each year
  • Hurricane Katrina and Rita

    -August 25, 2005, hurricane Katrina hit the gulf coast of US, category 3 storm
    -quickly became the biggest natural disaster in US history
    -nearly destroyed New Orleans
    -hurricane Rita followed Katrina only to make it worse
    -between both, more than $200 billion in damage was caused
    -400 000 jobs were lost and 275 000 houses were destroyed
    -1000 people were killed, more were missing
  • Sub-prime Housing Crisis and the Housing Bubble

    -US housing market was booming
    -housing values were high
    -anyone who wanted to buy, could
    -phenomenon called sub-prime lending arose
    -banks made mortgage loans to anyone
    -interest rates increased, people could not make their payments
    -loans became worthless to large financial institutions (creating the credit crunch)
  • Bernard Madoff and the biggest Ponzi Scheme in History

    -he owned his own investment advisory firm was a former chairman of the NASDAQ
    -he admitted to running a huge scheme where he paid his investors with proceeds from the investments of other clients (tragic)
    -he could no longer meet his obligations
    -one of the largest investment fraud schemes in Wall Street history
    he defrauded his investors
    -he was sentenced to 150 years in prison
  • Billions in Bailouts

    -two people asked Congress for the largest bailout package since the Great Depression
    -then, the Senate passed the 700 billion bailout Bill, now known as the Troubled Assests Relief Program
    -program was designed to purchase toxic mortgages from banks
  • Global Recession and the Collapse of Wall Street

    -investment banks on Wall Street began to collapse because of Sub-prime mortgage and fraud crisis
    -during the last month of Bush administration, Federal gvnmt, stepped in to bail out some institutions in order to keep US financial system afloat
    -Obama admin reached the White House in 09, the recession had taken hold
    -at the end of 09, their were signs of recovery
  • Japanese Tsunami and Nuclear Disaster

    -March 11- 9.0 magnitude earthquake and 100ft high tsunami took on North Eastern shorelines
    -At least 28000 people died or went missing
    -over 465 000 were displaced
    -waves damaged the Fukishima power plant creating radioactive leaks
    -triple disaster wrecked Japanese Economy
    -Japanese suppliers shut down with global economy
    still recovering from the crisis
  • Obama Care Adds Coverage 20 Million

    -Affordable Care Act expanded coverage to 20 million people
    -received low cost preventive care for chronic illness
    -rise in health care costs, lowed
    -US received a better score from the World Health Organization
    -in 2016, the US health care costs were the highest. Infant mortality rates were growing.
  • China Emerges as the Worlds Largest Economy

    -American union was second
    -US third
    -china is the largest holder of US debt owing 1.2 Billion
    -US uses that as leverage
  • Greek Debt Crisis

    -Greece almost defaulted on its debt
    -triggered the Euro zone debt crisis causing fear of a global financial crisis
    -it was resolved
    -questioned the viability of the European Union
  • Hurricane Harvy Costs 180 Billion

    -category 4 storm that hit Texas in August
    -highest natural disaster in US history
    -needed 125 Billion in federal relief
    -affected 13 Million ppl
  • Cost of War on Terror Escalates US Debt

    -9/11 attacks increased defense spending first in Afghan and second In Iraq
    -2006- War on Terror increased the defense budget creating an annual budget defficiant of 500 Billion per year
    -2007 debt almost doubled
    -2018 added 2 trillion to the debt