Personal Finance 2.2

By 104092
  • I'm a victim of fraud!

    I'm a victim of fraud!
    I have noticed some unusual activity, namely withdrawals form my bank account that I don't remember making and strange charges on my credit report. As an educated consumer, I recognize these as the signs of fraud (Section 2.2). What will I do to remedy this situation?
  • Making the call

    Making the call
    Because Identity theft is a very serious issue, I call for help the very next day. I call the NACA, a group of legal professionals commited to keeping consumers safe (Section 2.2). I talk to the professionals there for advice on what to do.
  • Taking Action

    Taking Action
    Following the advice of the NACA, it appears that someone has obtained my credit card info. I make a call to my credit card provider and cancel my card and start a new one, as well as inform them that someone has stolen my identity. Now no further damage can be done and I can seek compensation.
  • Getting Prepared

    Getting Prepared
    After the scary experience of having my identity stolen, I decide to better protect myself in the future. I decide to frequently check mybcredit report for unusual activity using companies like Equifax and Experian (Section 2.2). I also take other measures, like cutting up all my credit cards and never giving out personal info.