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Personal Development Timeline

  • Prenatal Influences

    Prenatal Influences
    While still being in the whomb, my mom was active and eating healthy. This impacted my development becuase with her eating healthy and being active it lowered the risk of birth problems or problmes later in life for me and her.
  • Birht to age 2

    Birht to age 2
    During birth and age two, nurture and communication helped impact my development. Nuture involved touching, hugging, kissing, being held by family or friends. This stage is known as Erickson's Psycological task, Trust Vs. Mistrust. This is the stage where the baby has most attachment to the parent figure. Communication such as talking, singing, and reading also impacted how I developed becuase I started to understand the meaning of things.
  • Age 2 to 5

    Age 2 to 5
    During this stage of my life, the three things that impacted my development were attending daycare, being outdoors, and starting to be more independant. All of these things helped me because I stated to interact with kids before I started kindergarten, I came up with games to play, and being outdoors helped me become who I am today becuase I still love to go camping.
  • Age 5 to 12

    Age 5 to 12
    The three things during this stage that helped development were being involved in sports, this kept me active and ingaged with others. Also starting school and being socail were key to development. This stage, known as concrete operational, by Piaget, is where I started to connect concepts to concrete situations.
  • Age 12 to 18

    Age 12 to 18
    From ages 12 to 18 there have been many things that have and will continue to impact development. Wrok, being s student, the challenges I have faced, responsabilities I have, the media and society and family are all things that have impacted development. All of these things shape the way I live my life and from birht to now, all of the events I have gone through lead to who I am today.