Persian Wars/Pelopponessian War

By AvaS.
  • 490 BCE

    Persian Wars

    First Persian War - Ionian Revolt - Ionians were Greeks who lived in Persia under Persian rule. They revolted and the Athenians sent ships to help the Ionians escape.
  • 490 BCE

    Persian Wars

    Battle of Marathon - the Persians came to attack the Greeks, but the Greeks surprised them and destroyed them in the Phalanx formation. An Athenian messenger ran 26 miles from Marathon to to Athens to tell everyone that the Athens won the battle; the man died of exhaustion
  • 480 BCE

    Persian Wars

    The Second Persian War - Persians want revenge, Xerxes is king of Persia
  • 480 BCE

    Second Persian War

    Battle of Thermopylae - the Spartans agrees to help the Athenians. The Greeks hold up the Persians at a mountain pass for three days.
  • 480 BCE

    Second Persian War

    Battle of Salamis - Naval Battle - Greeks lured the Persians into narrow channel. The small Greek ships destroyed the large Persian ships.
  • 479 BCE

    Second Persian War

    Battle of Plataea - Athenians and Spartans teamed up, used phalanx formation, and trapped the Persians there without supplies. Greek victory.