Ancient Greece Project

  • Period: 499 BCE to 449 BCE

    The Persian Wars

    The Persian Wars were a series of Battles between Persian Empire and Greece, in which all the cities-states of Greece unified to fight against The Persians, There were three important battles: Battle of Marathon, Battle of Thermopylae, Battle of Salamis. Finally The Greeks won the War, with this result, Athens becomes very wealthy and powerful and started and led the Delian League.
  • Period: 479 BCE to 433 BCE

    Golden Age

    The Golden Age was a Period of Time in which Greece was the most advanced, powerful and wealthy Empire for that time. Athens, a very weathy and powerful city-state was the leader of the Delian League in which they offer protection,troops etc to other city-states but the city-state would paid taxes for that. But other city-state,Sparta, created the Peloponnesian League which ends with a War between Sparta and Athens.
  • Period: 431 BCE to 404 BCE

    Peloponnesian War

    The Peloponnesian War was caused by the rivalry between the leaders of the Delian and Peloponnesian League, Athens and Sparta. Sparta finally won with the help of a very mortal plague which killed1/3 of the Athenian population. But, after this, Greece was conquered by Phillip II, King of Macedonia, who easily entered in Athen, Sparta and all the Greek city-states
  • 367 BCE


    Aristotle, born in Macedonia, was The Greatest Scientist of the Ancient World, he wrote more than 100 books, 47 of which still existing such as “Politics”, ”Rhetoric” etc. He studied Astronomy, zoology, geography, geology, physics, anatomy, ethics, economics, psychology, theology, politics and more, also invented the Miscrocope and Telescope etc.