Persian war timeline

  • 490 BCE

    Marathon, Persia's first defeat

    Marathon, Persia's first defeat
    Persians advanced across the Aegean 40km northeast from Athens. The Athens knew of this invasion so they set up camp on the south in hopes to delay the battle for Spartan reinforcements, unfortunately Sparta was unable to pull through, so Athens were on their own. They won by strengthening the wings of there army so that when the Persians broke through the centre, they closed in. This caused the Persians to retreat, giving the victory to the Greeks.
  • 481 BCE

    Thermoplyae, Leonidas most memorable battle.

    Thermoplyae, Leonidas most memorable battle.
    After the defeat, Persians were even more dedicated to taking over Greece, so they upgraded there army, ships e.t.c. Persian's had an army of over 180,000 troops, took a week for the troops to transfer over. The Greeks plan was to block the pathway into the mainlands of Greek, and it was working until they came across a Greek traitor who told Xeres about a hidden path that caused the loss of Greece. Leonidas and his finest soldiers were found surrounded and all died in battle.
  • 480 BCE

    Salamis, unexpected victory.

    Salamis, unexpected victory.
    Due to the defeat in Themoplyae, this left Athens vulnerable and needed to be evacuated. During the evacuation a fleet of abled bodied men were sent to fight the persians. Thermistocles, sent a messenger to give Xeres false information which lead to Persian loss, Xeres was filled with confidence he sent ships to a narrow pathway which Athens knew all about. Athens fought heavily at sea and at the end won the battle causing persians to retreat.