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Persian Gulf War

  • Invasion

    ~On August 2nd Iraq invades Kuwait.
    ~Iraqi leader Saddam Hussein ordered the invasion and occupation of neighboring Kuwait in early August 1990
    ~Alarmed by these actions, fellow Arab powers such as Saudi Arabia and Egypt called on the United States and other Western nations to intervene.
  • Planes Arrive

    Planes Arrive
    ~Initial U.S. Air force fighter planes arrive in Saudi Arabia.
    ~On August 8, the day on which the Iraqi government formally annexed Kuwait–Hussein called it Iraq’s “19th province”–the first U.S. Air Force fighter planes began arriving in Saudi Arabia as part of a military buildup dubbed Operation Desert Shield.
    ~The planes were accompanied by troops sent by NATO allies as well as Egypt and several other Arab nations, designed to guard against a possible Iraqi attack on Saudi Arabia.
  • "all means necessary"

    "all means necessary"
    ~On November 29, 1990, the U.N. Security Council authorized the use of “all necessary means” of force against Iraq if it did not withdraw from Kuwait by the following January 15.
    ~By January, the coalition forces prepared to face off against Iraq numbered some 750,000, including 540,000 U.S. personnel and smaller forces from Britain, France, Germany, the Soviet Union, Japan, Egypt and Saudi Arabia, among other nations.
    ~Iraq had the support of Jordan, Algeria, the Sudan, Yemen, Tunisia
  • Allied Attack

    Allied Attack
    ~Allied attack begins with Apache strike at 2:38 A.M.
    ~Early on the morning of January 17, 1991, a massive U.S.-led air offensive hit Iraq’s air defenses, moving swiftly on to its communications networks, weapons plants, oil refineries and more.
    ~The Iraqi air force was either destroyed early on or opted out of combat under the relentless attack, the objective of which was to win the war in the air and minimize combat on the ground as much as possible.
  • Operation Desert Sabre

    Operation Desert Sabre
    ~By mid-February, the coalition forces had shifted the focus of their air attacks toward Iraqi ground forces in Kuwait and southern Iraq. ~A massive allied ground offensive, Operation Desert Sabre, was launched on February 24, with troops heading from northeastern Saudi Arabia into Kuwait and southern Iraq.
    ~Over the next four days, coalition forces encircled and defeated the Iraqis and liberated Kuwait.
  • Big Explosion

    Big Explosion
    ~Schwarzkopf explodes at slow pace of VII Corps.
    ~101st Airborne Division cuts Highway 8 in Euphrates

    ~Scud destroys barracks in Al Khobar, killing twenty-eight Americans and wounding ninety-eight.
  • Ceasefire

    ~Cease-fire takes effect at 8 A.M.
    ~With Iraqi resistance nearing collapse, Bush declared a ceasefire on February 28, ending the Persian Gulf War.
    ~In all, an estimated 8,000 to 10,000 Iraqi forces were killed, in comparison with only 300 coalition troops.
  • The End

    The End
    ~Though the Gulf War was recognized as a decisive victory for the coalition, Kuwait and Iraq suffered enormous damage, and Saddam Hussein was not forced from power.
    ~The invasion of Kuwait led to a United Nations Security Council embargo and sanctions on Iraq and a U.S.-led coalition air and ground war, which began on January 16, 1991.
    ~Finally this all ended with an Iraqi defeat and retreat from Kuwait on February 28, 1991.