U.s. marines in the persian gulf war (1991) 001

Persian Gulf War

By abbyjon
  • Nuclear Weapons in Iraq?

    Nuclear weapon program discovered in Iraq.
  • Saddam Hussein Threatens Israel

    "I swear to God we will let our fire eat half of Israel if it tries to wage anything against Iraq." He said that Iraq's weapons could take down the Israeli's
  • Persian Gulf War Starts

    Persian Gulf War Starts
    The lead up to the actual fighting begins on this day.
  • UN requests a withdrawl on the invasion

    UN requests a withdrawl on the invasion
    The United Nations asks for Iraq to stop the invasion.
  • Iraq annexed Kuawait

    Iraq officially took over Kuwait and made them part of there territory.
  • "All Necessary Means"

    The United Nations demands that Iraq stop by January 15th, or they would join Kuwait in.
  • United States is allowed to get involved

    Congress allows the troops, and forces to go to war.
  • Air Led

    US hit Iraq's air defense
  • Operation Desert Storm

    Operation Desert Storm
    Iraq refused to stand down, the coalition attacked, and Operation Desert Storm began.
  • Coalition Forces move to Kuwait

    In Mid Febuary the countries that were all helping Kuwait, US, Britain, Germany, France, Russia moved on to fight the forces that were based in Kuwait, and some bases in Southern Iraq.
  • Iraq defeated

    Iraq was defeated. And Kuwait won the war.
  • Ceasefire

    President George H. W. Bush demanded a ceasefire,and the war was over.
  • US troops move to Saudi Arabia

    US troops move to Saudi Arabia
    US troops moved into Saudi Arabia to protect the oil fields in Saudi Arabia.
  • Saddam Hussein is exucuted

    On december 30th 1991, Saddam Hussein was hung, and put to death.