
Persian Empire Timeline (550 B.C. - 336 B.C.)

  • 550 BCE

    Cyrus the ruler!

    Cyrus the ruler!
    Cyrus II, later known as Cyrus the Great, comes to power as king of Ashan in western Persis. Under his control all of Persis is united. He starts the Achaemenid dynasty.
  • 550 BCE

    Cyrus the attacked.

    Cyrus the attacked.
    King Astyages of Media attacks Cyrus. During the fight, some of Astyages' men turn on their leader and Cyrus becomes the victor. He goes on to defeat the Medes and conquers Lydia.
  • 539 BCE

    Cyrus has captured the Babylon.

    Cyrus has captured the Babylon.
    Cyrus continues his conquests and soon even Babylon is under his control.
  • 536 BCE

    The prophecy about Cyrus (Around 536 B.C.).

    The prophecy about Cyrus (Around 536 B.C.).
    Two hundred years before Babylon is conquered, the prophet Isaiah has written of a great ruler named Cyrus who allows the Jews to rebuild their temple. When the scroll is read to Cyrus, he commands that the captive Jews of Babylon be allowed to return to rebuild their holy city.
  • 533 BCE

    Cyrus Dies

    Cyrus Dies
    Cyrus continues to take over more lands. In 533 B.C. he invades India. He later dies in battle in 529 B.C.
  • 529 BCE

    The Rise of Cambyses II (529 - 522 B.C.)

    The Rise of Cambyses II (529 - 522 B.C.)
    After the death of his father, Cambyses II rules. He conquers both Egypt and Cyprus, extending the empire even more. He dies in 522 B.C.
  • 521 BCE

    Darius I reigns

    Darius I reigns
    Darius claims the throne, but Bardiya, presumably Cambyses' brother, claims it, too. Bardiya is eventually defeated and Darius becomes king of Persia.
  • 521 BCE

    Darius' contributions

    Darius' contributions
    Darius divides the empire into provinces called satrapies, each governed by a satrap. He links the empire by roads and has a common currency throughout. He also allows the Jews to continue rebuilding their temple after disputes from neighboring areas are brought to his attention.
  • 499 BCE

    Lydia rebels.

    Lydia rebels.
    Lydia joins Persia after being conquered by Cyrus in 546 B., but they rebel in 499. Darius puts down the rebellion.
  • 490 BCE

    The Persian War

    The Persian War
    The Greeks and Persians battle for territory for several years. Sometimes the Persians win. Sometimes the Greeks win. In 485 B.C. Darius dies.
  • 485 BCE

    Xerxes I rules

    Xerxes I rules
    Xerxes I comes to power after the death of Darius. He continues the war with Greece. The Persians burn Athens in 480, but are defeated at Salamis the following year when the fleet sinks. Xerxes is assassinated in 465.
  • 465 BCE

    Artaxerxes reigns

    Artaxerxes reigns
    Xerxes' son, Artaxerxes, takes over the empire. During his reign he allows his cupbearer Nehemiah to return to Jerusalem to restore the walls to protect the city. In 447 B.C. a satrap from Syria revolts.
  • 404 BCE

    Artaxerxes comes to power

    Artaxerxes comes to power
    Artaxerxes comes to the throne in 404 after the reign of Darius II. He rules longer than any other Persian king. During this time, Egypt leads a successful revolt.
  • 359 BCE

    Artaxerxes III recaptures Egypt

    Artaxerxes III recaptures Egypt
    Egypt doesn't stay independent for long. In 343 Persia regains control. Artaxerxes III is assassinated in 338 B.C. Arses takes over, but is assassinated two years later.
  • 336 BCE

    The End

    The End
    Darius III takes over. In 334 Alexander the Great of Macedonia invades Central Asia. Darius loses three battles with Alexander and is finally defeated in 331. He is murdered in 330 B.C. The great Persian Empire is no more. The Persian Empire began with conquest and ended with defeat, but it will always be remembered as a powerful force that swept through the continents of Asia, Africa, and Europe.