Persecution of Jews🥹😜

  • Boycott of Jewish Businesses

    Boycott of Jewish Businesses
    Less than 3 months after coming to power in Germany, the Nazi leadership staged an economic boycott targeting Jewish-owned businesses and the offices of Jewish professionals. This law was unfair because jewish were getting their businesses taken away.
  • Civil Service Law

    Civil Service Law
    The law removed Jews and political opponents of the Nazis from civil service positions including school, university and government jobs. This would show unfair treatment because they weren’t able to have the jobs they used to have.
  • Mandatory Military Service

    Mandatory Military Service
    This law was created by the German Government. This law took away the right for Jews to serve in the Military. This law was unfair because jews were no longer able to fight for their country.
  • Reich Citizenship Law

    Reich Citizenship Law
    This law defined who the German government considered German and who was a Jew. This shows unfair treatment because the jews became subjects and lost their citizen rights.
  • Law for the Protection of German Blood and Honor

    Law for the Protection of German Blood and Honor
    People who are Jewish can only marry Jews.They can't marry anybody that is not a Jew. This law is unfair because the jews weren’t able to marry who they want
  • Jewish Name Law

    Jewish Name Law
    This law required that Jews that did not have Jewish first names to take the middle names Israel (For men) and Sara (For women). This was not fair because most jews would probably have the same name.
  • Polish Jews Deported from Germany

    Polish Jews Deported from Germany
    Nazi Germany expelled about 17,000 jews from Germany in 1938. This law was unfair because Jews had to find a new place the live.
  • Kristallnacht Attacks

    Kristallnacht Attacks
    The German Government declared an attack on Jewish Businesses, homes, and synagogues. 30,000 jews men and boys were arrested and sent to concentration camps. This law was unfair because jews got their homes taken away and their jobs so they couldn’t fend for themselves anymore.
  • St. Louis Sails

    St. Louis Sails
    A ship carrying Jewish refugees set sail to the Americas to try to help the Jewish people, but they were denied entrance into the countries there, so had to return back to Europe. This law is unfair because jews weren’t able to live a normal happy life like they used to
  • Italy Declares war on Britain and France

    Italy Declares war on Britain and France
    The people of Italy did not have as many rights and they did agree with hitler killing jews. This law is unfair because Jews got their life taken because of someone's opinion.