Persecution of German Citizens

  • Fanny Wertheimer Valfer

    Fanny Wertheimer Valfer
    They took her family to gas chambers and were killed.
  • Enabling Act

    Enabling Act
    Hitler could make anything a law without having to check with other people. This means that Hitler had the power. It affects all of the people of Germany including their citizens because Hitler came to power.
  • Education Law

    Education Law
    The law started that Jewish students could be no more than 5% of the student population of any public school or university. It meant that any Jewish citizen in Germany most likely couldn’t attend school anymore.
  • Burning of “un” german books.

    Burning of “un” german books.
    People burned books that didn’t talk positively about the Germans. This affected citizens of Germany that were learning to read and were forced into only reading positive German books so citizens didn’t have choices on what to read or learn.
  • Hitler becomes Fuhrer.

    Hitler becomes Fuhrer.
    There were no limits or restraints on Hitler’s authority. Germany became a complete dictatorship. That means that anything that Hitler wants to do, can happen and it can affect everyone in Germany.
  • Jehovah’s witness organization banned

    Jehovah’s witness organization banned
    The government banned bible and tract society . This affects any citizen in Germany who belonged to this belief.
  • Racial definitions explained

    Racial definitions explained
    Jewish people who had three or more jewish grandparents were classified as jews. Any citizen of Germany, even if they weren’t Jewish, could be told that they were Jewish.
  • Axis alliance formed.

    Axis alliance formed.
    Germany now had allies with strong countries. This affected Germany citizens because now the Germans had allies to help them in war.
  • Germany invades Yugoslavia and Greece.

    Germany invades Yugoslavia and Greece.
    Germany but when Yugoslavia refused to honor an agreement to let German troops travel through the country to invade Greece, Nazi Germany invaded both countries. This affected German citizens because then their families were at war and could have been killed trying to invade these countries.
  • Announcement of death penalty for aiding Jews.

    Announcement of death penalty for aiding Jews.
    Anyone who was caught helping a jew would be sent to Poland for a death penalty. This meant that any citizen of Germany that was even thought to be helping Jews would be killed.
  • German defeat at Stalingrad.

    German defeat at Stalingrad.
    The German military surrendered after 7 months to take the Soviet city of Salingrad. Soviet victory at the battle of Stalingrad marked a turning point in world war 2. It affected all German citizens because it meant that Germany surrendered at a battle at war and so now they had to make a new plan and people died during the battle that are people’s families.