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Perks of Being a Wallflower NHS Maria Bonaddio

  • Charlie's first traumatic event

    Charlie's first traumatic event
    Charlie's Aunt Helen was the most special person in his life. They were really close and had a special bond. Charlie's Aunt Helen always bought Charlie two presents. One day, when she went out to go get Charlie a present, she got into a bad accident and she ended up passing away. Ever since then Charlie has blamed himself everyday for her death.
  • Charlie's best friend kills himself

    Charlie's best friend kills himself
    Charlie's best friend Michael kills himself leaving Charlie upset and lonely. He has an outburst at school and blames himself for not knowing what Michael was going through. He believes he possibly could've saved him and he wishes that Michael had just talked to him.
  • Wrong time, Wrong place

    Wrong time, Wrong place
    Charlie's older brother throws a party at the house and makes Charlie stay in his room. While he's in his room, a couple comes in and asks if they can use his room. Charlie innocently says yes, not realizing what they were going to do. Charlie then hears the girl screaming "no" but he didn't understand what was going on. Moments later his sister comes in and the couple leaves. Years later (this date) he realized that the guy had raped her.
  • Trusting Charlie

    Trusting Charlie
    After Charlie catches Patrick and Brad. Patrick tells Charlie everything about his secret love affair with Brad. This is a big step for Charlie in terms of keeping a secret and being someone who Patrick can trust. This is a higher level of friendship that Charlie attains.
  • First time for Charlie

    First time for Charlie
    The night of the Secret Santa party, Sam and Charlie have a sweet, genuine moment. Sam gets Charlie a typewriter and tells Charlie that she loves him. Considering Charlie had never kissed a girl before, Sam wanted to make sure that the first person he kisses loves him. Moments later she kisses him, making him exceedingly happy.