Perks of being a Wallflower

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    Charlies Freshman Year

    Important events of Charlies Freshman year of High School
  • Charlies Fight

    Charlies Fight
    Charlie gets into a fight with a kid named Sean after gym because the kid made a remark about giving Charlie a "swirlie." Charlie retaliates by hurting Sean badly. He doesn't get in trouble because Sean started it.
  • Charlie Befriends Patrick and Sam

    Charlie Befriends Patrick and Sam
    Charlie goes to the football game and decides to sit with the kid from his shop class named Patrick., Sam is also there and they begin talking becoming friends. Patrick takes him to the big boy after the game and Charlie also goes to his first party.
  • Secret Santa

    Secret Santa
    Charlie and his friend group hold a secret Santa. Charlie gets Patrick and gets him a variety of gifts for example a mixtape. Charlies gift is a suit and it impacts him because Patrick says all great writers wear suits. Charlie also reads a very personal poem that emotionally impacts all of his friends.
  • Charlie reveals the truth

    Charlie reveals the truth
    Charlie talks about what happened to his Aunt after the car ride home with his family. He says that she was molested and that really made him uncomfortable. The worst this though was how she dies. She was driving to get Charlie a birthday gift and got into a terrible accident ultimately dying.