Periods in Music History Timeline

  • Period: 1150 to 1400

    MEDIEVAL (c.1150 - c.1400)

    Ars Antiqua evolved within the Catholic Church during the medieval time period as sacred music that was presented in plainchants, progressing into organums, and eventually Polyphonic motets. Trouveres and Troubadors were traveling musicians that pulled this music out of the church.
  • Period: 1400 to

    RENAISSANCE (c.1400 - c.1600)

    Rebirth of music and thoughts inspired by Greek and Roman thoughts. Music was pulled out of church and became secular. Music was changing from monophonic to polyphonic with utilization of harmony.
  • Period: 1440 to 1521

    Josquin Desprez (1440-1521)

    -Secular and Sacred music composer
    -Use of Cantus Firmus: popular melody as firm line, melody lines woven together to create a harmony
    -Used Polyphony when creating his music
  • Period: 1525 to

    Giovanni Pierluigi Da Palestrina (1525-1594)

    -His music helped church members participate in the litigury
    -Used a chant for melody and multiple lines of music to create harmony (polyphony)
    -His style was later developed as "counterpoint"
  • Period: 1567 to


    -Believed to be the first to develop the Opera.

    -Composed Italian secular madrigals that were polyphonic
  • Period: to

    BAROQUE (c.1600 - c.1750)

    -Non-religious music flourished during time period
    -New styles of music were created: Concerto, sonata, opera, canons, fugues.
    -Musicians experimented with form, styles, instruments.

    -Violin was important instrument
    -Operas combined music, costumes, and scenery and often based off of Greek tragedies.
  • Period: to


    -Well known for varied styles of music including concertos
    -Great use of violins
    -Most famous "Four Seasons"
  • Period: to


    Considered a great genius in music demonstrating standard approach to harmony that dominates music for years. He is considered the end of the Baroque Music Period and has inspired the next movement of Classical.
  • Period: to


    Well-known for his further development of the Opera.
    -Well-known for his oratorio "Messiah". Oratorio was created for opera voices without the costumes and scenery.
  • Period: to

    Hayden (1732 - 1809)

    -Known as the Father of the Symphony & String Quartet
    -He was a compositional master of all genres of music.
    -Taught many musicians including Beethoven.
  • Period: to

    CLASSICAL (c.1750 - c.1830)

    -Considered the Age of Enlightenment.
    -Transformation of music began
    -The sonata dominates genres of music.
    -Genres also include: modern concerto, symphony, sonata, trio, quartet, and opera.
  • Period: to

    Mozart 1756 - 1791

    -He was a master composer
    -His operas connected with audience presenting real-life situations
    -Faced many challenges including financial hardship and death of several of his children.
  • Period: to

    Beethoven 1770 - 1827

    -Born during Classical Period but is considered a bridge that transitions the music period into the Early Romantic Time Period of music.

    -Suffered a great illness resulting in hearing and speech loss
    -Composed some of history's greatest pieces without ever hearing them. This is a testament of his extreme musical ability and understanding.
    -He expressed great compassion in his pieces
    -Last piece was "Ode to Joy" created a few years prior to his death.
  • Period: to

    Schubert 1797 - 1828

    -Utilized piano and voice to create emotions to connect to audience.
    -Ave Maria in 1826 is a great example of this accomplishment.
  • Period: to

    Chopin 1810 - 1849

    -Main focus and performances were on the piano
    -Developed many styles such as: nocturnes, preludes, waltzes, polonaises, mazurkas, etudes.
    -He reinvented the scherzo
    -Invented the ballade - recognized as poetry in music. Lengthy, one movement pieces. Loose, free form unlike classical.
    -Well versed in sonata's as well
  • Period: to

    Liszt 1811 - 1886

    -Musical virtuoso was mostly piano
    -Very generous person
    -Taught many musicians
    -Wrote articles about many musicians
    -Known for writing symphonic poems written in one single movement.
  • Period: to

    Verdi 1813 - 1901

    -Well known for writing operas that utilized a theatrical effect as opposed to the traditional Italian operas.
    -Created Verismo style operas
    -Skilled at using melody and theatrical effects
    -"Otello" is considered to be one of the greatest operas of all time
  • Period: to

    R. Wagner 1813 - 1883

    -Well-known for operas
    -Expanded harmonic language with previously unused cords and innovative cord progressions
  • Period: to

    EARLY ROMANTIC (c.1830 - c.1860)

    -A new era that breaks away from rules and traditions of standard classical music.

    -Two types of music: program music & character music
    -Composers became artists expressing romanticism: inspiration, subjectivity, emotions
    -Music was more challenging to create and play.
    -Schools were becoming more prevalent teaching musicians
    -The range and number of instruments was greater during this time period, while piano still remained forefront/important
    -Story lines were used to create music.
  • Period: to

    Tchaikovsky 1840 - 1893

    -Well known and loved Russian composer of all time
    -Known for his extremely expressive and impressive harmonies that display colorful orchestration and evoke extreme emotions
    -Well known for pieces such as "Swan Lake", "Sleeping Beauty", and "The Nutcracker".
  • Period: to

    LATE ROMANTIC (c.1860 - c.1920)

    -Some styles created based on their national folk cultures
    -Freedom in form, music was more personal
    -Nationalist Russian style was becoming more prominent along with Czech, Finnish, and French.
    -Inspired by art and literature and used to conjure up emotions of love, hate, death, nature, and fantasy. Tells stories
    -Greater use of chromaticism
    -More conservatories and universities were prominent
  • Period: to

    POST 'GREAT WAR' YEARS (c.1920 - Present)

    -Extremely contradictory and opposing music genres: serialism, neo-classicism, and jazz
    -Music came from different directions based on fashion trends, socio-economic trends, Art, and World Events, & cultures
    -Technology is changing providing various outlets for listening to music
    -America opened up music to other areas of the world via military
    -Music progressed into ragtime, blues, folk, Pop, Rock, Country, Progressive, Punk, Heavy Metal, Disco, Funk, Rap, Soul, Electronic, New Age