• 330

    Aristotle and the Four element theory.

    Aristotle and the Four element theory.
    Earth, Air, Fire, and Water
  • 360

    Plato comes up with the term 'elements'

    Plato comes up with the term 'elements'
  • 400

    Democritus proposes the atom

    Democritus proposes the atom
    400 BC
  • Joseph Black isolated Carbon Dioxide.

    Joseph Black isolated Carbon Dioxide.
    "fixed air."
  • Carl Wilhelm Scheele and Joseph Priestly isolated oxygen

  • Antoine Lavoisier wrote the first list of elements

    Antoine Lavoisier wrote the first list of elements
    33 elements & seoerated metals and non-metals
  • John Dalton proposed "Dalton's Law"

    John Dalton proposed "Dalton's Law"
    describes the relationships between the components in a mixture of gases.
  • Jakob Berzelius developed atomic weights & letters to represent elements

    Jakob Berzelius developed atomic weights & letters to represent elements
  • Lothar Meyer develops one of the first versions of the periodic table

    28 elements organized by valence
  • Dmitri Mendeleev developed a table based on atomic weights

    ordered 'periodically' with elements that have similar properties under each other. That Periodic Table included the 66 known elements organized by atomic weights.
  • William Ramsay discovered Noble Gases.

  • Ernest Rutherford discovered the cause of radioactivity and decaying of atoms

  • Henry Moseley developed periodic law

    atomic number of each of the elements