
Periodic table history

  • - Hennig Brand invented the Philosopher's Stone, which could turn metals into pure gold. He also discovered phosphorus.

    - Hennig Brand invented the Philosopher's Stone, which could turn metals into pure gold. He also discovered phosphorus.
  • 47 elements had been discovered and named. Scientists began to see patterns in their atom structures.

    47 elements had been discovered and named. Scientists began to see patterns in their atom structures.
  • - John Newlands organized the 56 then known elements into eleven separate groups based upon their atom structure.

    - John Newlands organized the 56 then known elements into eleven separate groups based upon their atom structure.
  • Antoine Becquerel discovered radioactivity.

    Antoine Becquerel discovered radioactivity.
  • Sir William Ramsay and Lord Rayleigh discovered the noble gases and they were added to the periodic table as group O.

    Sir William Ramsay and Lord Rayleigh discovered the noble gases and they were added to the periodic table as group O.
  • - J. J. Thomson discovered electrons which were small negatively charged particles.

    - J. J. Thomson discovered electrons which were small negatively charged particles.
  • J. D. Cockroft and Ernest T. S. Walton worked together in splitting the atom when working with lithium which they bombarded with protons. The lithium nucleus was divided into two helium nuclei.

    J. D. Cockroft and Ernest T. S. Walton worked together in splitting the atom when working with lithium which they bombarded with protons. The lithium nucleus was divided into two helium nuclei.
  • - Ernest O. Lawrence, Milton Stanley Livingston and Milton White worked on the first cyclotron at the University of California in Berkeley. A cyclotron is in the picture below.

  • Glenn Seaborg identified lanthanides and actinides which are elements with atomic numbers higher than 92 and are placed in a separate section on the bottom in today's Periodic Table. As of October 16, 2006 there are 117 different elements. The mos