Carbon was first discovered and used as charcoal, Carbon wasnt recognized as an element until the 17th century, after Robert Boyle suggested that an element was a substance that could not be decomposed into simpler substances. -
Hydrogen was discovered by Henry Cavendish,Cavendish described accurately hydrogen's properties but thought erroneously that the gas originated from the metal rather than from the acid. Hydrogen was named by Lavoisier. -
Oxygen was discovered by Joseph Priestley, Carl Scheele.One of the most important element to us. -
Jons Jacob Berzelius
Jons Jacob Berzelius (1779 - 1848),would propably have to be one of swedens most famous scientist,discovered Silicon and Selenium, he was also one of the first scientist to use letter symbols for elelments like the ones we use today. -
Gregor found an oxide of a new metal in ilmenite; Martin Heinrich Klaproth independently discovered the element in rutile in 1795 and named it. The pure metallic form was only obtained in 1910 by Matthew A. Hunter. -
john Newlands
Newlands was the first to recognize that the elements fall into a pattern in which their properties repeat at regular intervals when they are listed in order of increasing atomic weight. He was also the first to assign atomic numbers to the elements.Sadly his periodic table didnt approve. -
Sir William Ramsay
He discovered Argon by taking a sample and removing all the oxygen.using newly-discovered techniques for cooling and liquefying gases, he was able to separate other gases from air – neon, krypton, xenon and radon – and it was realised that he had discovered a whole group of elements, none of which had been known to Mendeleev. -
Marie Curie
Maire investigated what became known as radioactivity, she discovered polonium which was named after Poland, later with her husband she discovered the most radioactive element Radium.In 1903 she shared the physics prize with her husband, also in 1911 she won the Noble prize for chemistry. -
Dmitri Mendeleev
Dmitri Mendeleev is one of the most important scientist,Mendeleev was a Russian chemist and inventor, and he was able to use the periodic table that he had created to successfully predict elements which had not then been discovered. Elements found on the moon like mendelevium was named after him.He also wrote his own chemical principles.