Period: 1509 to 1547
Reign of Henry VIII
Martin Luther writing the Ninety-Five Theses
-According to him Salvation was free, and one did not have to pay anything to obtain it.
-Any priests declaring that buying indulgences could free a man of his sins was lying.
-Christians who were seaking for pardon should turn to charity instead of buying expensive letters of pardon. -
Martin Luther translated the Bible in German
The Tydale Bible
The New Testament translated into English by William Tyndale. -
Act of Supremacy
-The King was made "Supreme Head of the Church of England.
-It is when the schism happened. -
Period: 1536 to 1537
The Pilgrimage of Grace
Rebellions in Yorkshire and Lincolnshire
The inusregents were against :
-The dissolution of the monasteries and the Reformation.
-They aslo demander the restoration of the Pope and of Mary Tudor to the Royal Succession.
-Economic grievances were also at the centre of the rebellions. -
Bible translated in English
Permission given for an English Bible and not a Latin one. -
Period: 1545 to 1563
Council of Trent
Held in the city of Trent :
The symbol of the Counter Reformation.
-The Roman Catholic Church attempted to correct some abuses of the Church.
-And harshly condemned protestants heresies.
The Pope's hositiloty to the Elizabethan relgious settlement was growing :
-He instructed Catholics not to attend Anglican Church services. -
Death of Henry VIII
Period: 1547 to 1553
Reign of Edward VI
Publication of the Book of Common Prayer
Remplaced Latin services with English. -
Death of Edward VI
Mary I Tudor becomes the first Queen of England
Period: 1553 to 1558
Reign of Mary I
Period: 1555 to 1558
Bloody Mary
-Heretics were burned.
-Over 200 Protestants went to the stake. -
Death of Mary I
Period: 1558 to
Elizabeth I's reign
The Act of Uniformity
Religious belief
-Every parish had to use the book of Common Prayers.
-People who did not attend an Anglican service were fined. -
The Act of Supremacy
Church organisation
-Abolished the authority of the Pope.
-Restored the authority of the Queen over the Church.
-Became "Spreme Governor of the Church of England". -
Period: 1559 to 1563
New legislation
Period: 1563 to 1571
The 39 articles of faith
-Started the doctrine of the Church.
-3 importants changes : a new ecclesiology, a new doctrine of salvation, a new definition of sacrements and of the mass.
-Still in use today. -
Period: 1568 to
The imprisonnement of Mary Queen of Scots
Pope Pius V excommunicated Elizabeth I "Reignans in Excelsis"
Pope Pius V issued the papal bull :
-It called Elizabeth the "so-called queen", "a heretic favouring heretics".
-It excommunicated Elizabeth.
-Almost giving Catholics licence to kill her with the certainty that it would not be seen as a crime by Rome. -
The Treasons Act
Made it treason for anyone to say that Elizabeth was not the true Queen of England and Wales. -
The 1581 Act
-It provided for the death penalty for any person coverting, or already converted to Catholicism.
-It was now forbidden to participate or celebrate the Catholic Mass.
-Anglican services were compulsory : §20 per month fine. -
The Badingtom plot
Young Catholics had sworn to kill Elizabeth to put Mary Stuarton the throne but their strategies were discovered by Francis Walsingham when he managed to decipher a message between Mary and this group. -
The execution of Mary Queen of Scots
The Defeat of the Spanish Armada
England won against the Spanish Armada.