The European Union was formed. -
The PLO was formed in 1964 and it opposed Israel which was our ally. -
West Bank and the Gaza Strip
Palestine got ahold of the West Bank and the Gaza Strip. -
Yasser Arafat
Arafat became the leader of the PLO, whose goal was the complete destruction of Israel. -
California v Bakke
This case upheld affirmative action. -
This group came to power in 1979 and was suspected of communist actions by the US so they funded the counterrevolutionary group the Contras. -
Moral Majority
This was a group of ultraconservatives that wanted Christian principles in every part of American life. It was founded in 1979 -
Saddam Hussein
Saddam Hussein came to power. -
Supply-Side Economics
The theory of giving more tax cuts to the wealthy will boost the economy. -
Trickle-down economics
The theory that wealth will trickle down to the lower classes. -
Glasnost and Perestroika
This was the policy of openness and reform in the Soviet Union. -
Religious Fundamentalism
There was a wave of Christianity. -
Ronald Reagan
Ronald Reagan was inaugurated to the presidency. -
Economic Recovery Tax Act
This lowered income tax rates. -
PACTO Strike
This was a strike against air traffic controllers and it lead to the end of the PACTO because the strike was unpopular. -
Sandra Day O'Connor
She was the first woman to serve on the Supreme Court. -
Aids epidemic begins. -
Boland Amendment
All of the amendments aimed at bolstering the Contras was called the Boland Amendment. -
The Strategic Defense Initiative was created by Reagan to protect America from nuclear attack. -
Beirut Bombings
The US bombed Beirut. -
Lech Walesa
Walesa won a noble prize in 1983, he would set up the first Soviet Union bloc's independent trade union. -
The internet was founded. -
Walter Mondale
He was the democratic candidate in the 1984 election -
Geraldine Ferraro
She was the first female vice president. -
Iran-Contra Affair
This was a scandel in the Reagan administration in which the US was illegally sending aid in the form of guns to the Contras using Iran. -
William Rehnquist
He retired from the Supreme Court -
Immigration Act of 1986
This caused heavy vetting of Immigrants. -
"Tear down this wall"
Reagan gave a speech in front of the Berlin Wall uttering the now famous words. "Tear down this wall!" -
INF Agreement
The Soviet Union and the US agreed to cut down on their missiles. -
Mikhail Gorbachev
He came to power in 1988 and it would lead to the breakup of the Soviet Union. -
Read my lips, no new taxes
George H.W. Bush made this promise which he then broke when he was president. -
Al-Qaeda was a terrorist group that carried out the 9/11 attack. It was founded in 1988. -
George H.W. Bush
He was inaugurated to the presidency. -
Tiananmen Square
Chinese students and workers protested the Chinese government and was crushed by the military. -
Fall of the Berlin Wall
The Berlin Wall fell connecting east and west Germany. Two fun facts: a) My mom was in Frankfurt, Germany when the wall fell down. b) I went to Germany last year and actually saw the part of the Berlin Wall standing (it's now a memorial and on one side it lists all the people that died trying to leave East Berlin.) -
Panama Invasion
The US attacked Panama. -
Persian Gulf War
The US invaded Kuwait -
Americans with Disabilities Act
This helped Americans with disabilities. -
Failure of Health Reform
Clinton's health reforms fail. -
The NRA changed its view on guns turning into the association it is today. -
Nuclear Proliferation
Nuclear Weapons were given to countries that didn't have nuclear weapons before. -
Breakup of the Soviet Union
The Soviet Union was dissolved and it became Russia again as well as a couple more. -
Boris Yeltsin
First president of Russia after the Soviet Union. -
Clarence Thomas
Thomas was appointed to the Supreme Court. -
Bosnia and Kosovo
Bosnia and Kosovo were formed from Yugoslavia. -
Ross Perot
He ran for president in 1992 -
Ethnic Cleansing
A genocide against Muslims in Bosnia and Kosovo. -
Kyoto Accord
The Kyoto Accord is a protocol on Global Warming. -
Bill Clinton
Bill Clinton was inaugurated into the presidency. -
Brady Bill
This was a gun control bill. -
Deficit Reduction Budget
Clinton's first budget. -
Start 1 and 2
Start 1 and Start 1 were treaties between the US and Russia for reductions and limitation on arms. -
Don't ask, don't tell
This became the policy for the LGBT community to serve in the military. -
This was a trade agreement between Canada, the US, and Mexico. -
Contract with America
The Republican Party released this. -
Taliban was formed. -
Oklahoma City Bombing
A domestic terrorist bombed a federal building. -
Newt Gingrich
Newt Gingrich became Speaker of the House. -
World Trade Organization was formed. -
Welfare Reform
Welfare was reformed. -
Bob Dole
He was the republican nominee in the 1996 election. -
Madeline Albright
Albright was the first women to be Secretary of State. -
The G-8 was a forum of 8 world powers that were all democracies. -
Clinton Impeachment
Clinton was impeached. -
Al Gore
Al Gore ran against George W Bush. -
Bush v. Gore
The Election of 2000. -
George W Bush
George W Bush was inaugurated to the presidency. -
Bush Tax Cuts
The tax code changed. -
No Child Left Behind
The program was suppose to make sure every child was smarter. (it failed). -
Enron filed for bankruptcy. -
This was a terrorist attack on American soil. Interesting Fact: One of my baby videos is dated 9/11 and in the background you can hear the broadcast. -
Homeland Security
Homeland Security was formed as a result of the 9/11 attack. -
Axis of Evil
George W Bush used this term extensively throughout his presidency. -
The US government told it's citizens Iraq had weapon of mass destruction (which it didn't). -
Operation Iraqi Freedom
US troops went into Iraq in response to 9/11. -
Abu Ghraib Prison
This US prison was found to be in violation of crimes against humanity in Iraq. -
John Kerry
John Kerry fought against Bush for the presidency and lost. -
Hurricane Katrina
Hurricane Katrina hit the US. Picture explanation: I was four years old when Katrina hit. We were without power, but my parents had this flashlight that had red, yellow, and green light. All of the kids in the neighborhood had a blast as we played red light, green light, yellow light while the power was still out. -
Housing Bubble
The Housing bubble collapsed. -
Great Recession
The economy fell into a recession. -
Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac
The Federal government took over mortgages and mortgage loans. -
Hillary Clinton
Clinton ran for the democratic candidate in 2008. -
Barack Obama
Obama ran for president, which he own becoming the first black american president. -
John McCain
McCain ran against Obama. -
Sarah Palin
Palin was the vice president nominee for McCain. -
D.C. v. Heller
Determined that the second amendment applied to individuals outside militia use. -
Sonia Sotomayor
She was appointed to the Supreme Court. -
Dodd-Frank Act
This Act reformed Wall Street. -
Affordable Care Act
This was a highly controversial healthcare bill that put a mandate for everyone to get health insurance, kept kids on their parents health insurance until age 26, and ended insurance companies denying you based on pre-existing condition (which I have). -
Tea Party
This is a third party that formed as a reaction against Obama administration policies, such as the ACA (which people think is called Obamacare, but it's not) -
Arab Spring
There were revolutions going on the middle east for democracy. -
Citizens United
Determined that corporations were people. -
Osama bin Laden
He was the founder of Al-Qaeda. He was killed in 2011 by the US. -
Debt Ceiling
Debt ceiling, which normally was not debated, was being debated. -
Syrian Civil War
A civil war started in Syria which is still going on to this day. -
Mitt Romney
Mitt Romney ran against Obama in the 2012 election. -
Boston Marathon Bombing
A bomb was set off at the finishing line for the Boston Marathon. Interesting Fact: My cousin was actually running in the race when the bomb went off and thankfully he survived. -
Shelby County v Holder
Declared part of the Voting Rights Act unconstitutional. -
Same-Sex Marriage
Determined same sex marriage legal.