Period 6

  • Period: to

    World War 1

    Militarism: inproved weaponry, strong armies due to competition to ave the best army
    Alliances: b/c countires were allies they drugcounries into the war to hlp them right
    Imperialism: rivalry between counries in africa, fight for resources in countries
    Nationlism: people became extremely proud of their cunries and wanted to fight to defend it and not let Napoleon take over their homes
  • Germany vs. Russia

    Germany declares war on russia in 1914
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    Armenian Genocide

    The young Turks feared that the Armenians would join Russia in WWI since they were so close to them and they wanted to keep Turkish Muslim dominance. They began to kill them in masses.
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    Russian revolutoin

  • Germany Surrenders

    Germany was losing men and supplies forcing them to surrender. They lost many of their allies and countries began blockades to cut them off.
  • Treaty of Versailles

    Established to restore european balance of power, promote peace
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    League of Nations

    The LON was created to prevent tension that could cause another world war, failed to stop Hitler from expanding Germany
  • Dawes Plan

    Plan to lend money to the European allies to increase economy. he hoped by doing this that it would stabilize those countries and it helped US economy.
  • Benito Mussolini Take Italy

    HE used violnece to take over italy and eventully alied with Hitler. He was a totalitariand and brought fascism to italy.
  • Period: to

    Stalin Dictator of USSR

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    Nanjing Massacre

    japan goes to najing and rapes women as well as killing 300,000 people
  • Munich Conference

    Hitler tries to get back Czechoslovakia. He tells nations he simply wants to get land that rightfully belongs to Germany but only wanted to continue to expand Germany. After getting this land wanting to move and take Poland.
  • Non-agression pact

    Hitler formed a pact with Russia. the pact simply said that hitler wouldnt invade russia
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    World War 2

    Britain and France declare war on Germany, France is small so Germany defeats France easily but Britain is not so easy so they back out.
    Germany expands the country
    Attepts to attck Russia, is stopped by russian winter
  • United States joins WWII

    When the Japanese attacked US the finally pushed America into the war.
  • Germany Invades Russia

    Germany violates Non-agression pact and invades Russia. But Germany underestimated Russian winter and many of his troops die.
  • United Nations Formed

    This was formed because the League of Nations was so weak. There needed to be someone who would negotiate peace and ensure another world war would happen.
  • War Ends

  • Period: to

    Cold War

    The United States afraid of more countries becoming communist. This "war" was between America and the Soviet Union. Th both wanted to get as many alies as possible for their own benefit.
  • US Bombs Hiroshima

    US dropped bomb in Hiroshima to end war, japan wouldve continued fighting for a long time. They were devoted to the japanese empire, but they finally defeated japan.
  • Truman Doctrine

    US plan for congess to fund anti-communist party in turkey and Greece to get them to want to no be communist
  • India separates Pakistan

    India was independent in 1949
    hindu and muslim didnt geta along to well
    they seperate a peice of india for the muslims called pakistan
  • Berlin Blockade

    split Germany in to regions controlled by other nations
    Russia saw US as threat cutting off their part of germnany from their part of berlin
  • Israel Founded

  • Period: to

    Korean War

    Korea finally became free form Japan, but North Korea was aliled with Ussr and South Korea was allied with US
    When north invaded South they wanted to implement communism on South
    Divided into North(communist) (Soviet) and South (democratic)(US)